Red Sea coral pro salt

Anyone else ever have problems with this salt leaving a white residue on the pump and heater in your SW mixing buckets? I think every time I have used this stuff its leaves everything coated in white even after 3 days of being in a covered 5 gallon bucket with heater set for same as my tank and a 1400gph powerhead. Every other salt I have used I do not remember ever doing this.

I always get residue on my mixing tub and pumps, pump it into a filter sock in the sump and you wont get cloudiness and rinse the container. My levels are always just fine and here are 2 years results of using red sea coral pro…


Very nice tank Tim. I don’t have problems with it making the tank cloudy but I do remember Rosti telling me he had the cloudy issues with this salt. Its just a pain cause I feel I need to clean everything before I start the next batch of SW. I am mainly using Tropic Marin but am thinking of going back to the cheaper salts. I am due for buying more, I am almost out 2 more WC left.

Its not really a problem or issue that I find, once every 3 months or 6 months I just take my 25 gallon rubbermaid container and put it in the tub with hot water and 1/2 gallon of white vinegar and let it soak.

In between I only rinse it after use.

I’ve mostly used reef crystals, mix it in a black trash can…never seen residue with it. But last week i used some old salt i had, (cheap stuff i used to cure rock) i forget the brand, but it left that white scum on everything

It may be an insoluble salt precipitating out when you add salt to your RO water. Perhaps you should try adding salt in small incriments, allowing a few minutes between each scoop added to allow it to dissolve before adding another scoop. I had a similar problem, but “slowly” adding salt to my RO during mixing cleared up the problem for me.

[quote=“dajohnson02, post:6, topic:4887”]
It may be an insoluble salt precipitating out when you add salt to your RO water. Perhaps you should try adding salt in small incriments, allowing a few minutes between each scoop added to allow it to dissolve before adding another scoop. I had a similar problem, but “slowly” adding salt to my RO during mixing cleared up the problem for me.[/quote]

Makes sense. I will try that next time I use the little bit thats left.