I misplaced my chart for Red Sea Magnesium Test Kit, if any one using same test kit, can you look at chart and let me know what Magnesium level I have with 3.4ml of rearagent left in syringe. Thank you.
Right around 1250ppm I just did a test like 2 hours ago and had about that too.
Thank you Tim, btw. we read lots books about Cal/Alk/Mag, but here is simple vid from BRS, short and good
Thanks again.
Bit busy to go into it in detail, but there is a big correction to what he said that hobbyist should be aware of. If for some reason you don’t think your phosphates are that high and that somehow when you add food you aren’t adding that many phosphates and don’t need to remove them frequently and just randomly use phosphate removers you are going to notice fluctuations in your alkalinity.
Magnesium isn’t used in massive quantities by the corals, but it is used by them and this is why it needs to be added in the proper ratio. Really xxx backwards way of checking to see if your Magnesium levels are off by looking at your heaters and power heads have precipitation on them? Really? I suppose they don’t want to sell Mg test kits. Perhaps it’s because they sell Salifert test kits which the Mg kits often end up being dead wrong with bad batch after bad batch of Mg text kits.
Rosti you told me something when I came over. You had said that the books you had read had told you to stay off of the internet as a source for information and I have to say I’d urge you not to follow these videos and websites as fact sources. The guy in NY with an accent is trying to sound like an expert when he is just repeating things the LFS told him. The maintenance guy is trying to sell his services. And the bulk reef supply guy? Where do you think they make profit? (don’t get me wrong on the last one they are great guys and love their products, just not as good of a source as a good book) If you get mixed up reread the books or pick up another.
Have you added Chris Brightwell’s marine chemistry to your library yet? Really helpful for chemistry stuff. Or you can give me a call at any point if you have questions.