Reef Conservation Frag Swap

Had a great time at the swap today it was good to see Frank up there! I got too many frags! I talked to Larry Flint who basically runs everything and he said that he would be happy to hand out flyers at the spring frag swap in April up in Williamsport.

Karen, I told him that I would talk to you about getting him the flyer and any other info you would like him to distribute. He offered to make black and white copies of whatever we send him. I will PM you his email. Let me know if you have any questions.

Great!! Thanks Matt. I will message him with the flyer.

No problem! I handed out a bunch of flyers and cards. Do you have his contact info? Feel free to mention that I talked to him at the swap and referred you to him.

Not sure if I have it or not. If you have it go ahead and forward it to me. Thanks

Sorry I missed the swap! I wound up going to see Mike at ASR yesterday and well… I came home with stuff… a lot of stuff. Haha!

Post pics of what you got!