Reef Keeper Lite on Windows 10

I picked up the RKL that ericdaman was selling for use on my QT setup. I’m trying to install the MyReef software on my laptop, but it just crashes each time I try to open it. I found a support entry on DA’s forum, but that didn’t fix it.

Anyone have experience with this software on Windows 10?

Don’t know a lot about RKL but found this
When you receive the unit, check to see if the SID is V2,it will say so right on the USB part. If not, stop here and order SID V2. Myreef 2 WILL NOT work without it and you CANNOT update it yourself. You can manually program the RKL in the meantime if you want to.

Thanks for that. I don’t know what version I have. I’ll check. I can’t even get to that step yet though :slight_smile:

Just checked. I do have v2 :slight_smile:

I emailed DA’s support group. They said it is a known problem and that the fix they posted online doesn’t work for everyone. Apparently they hired an outside consultant to help fix their software. I’m not sure when that will be though, so I guess I’ll just plan to use it for the most basic functions (heater and light timer).

You have windows 10 so try this

Run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

In the search box, type run programs.
Select Run programs made for previous versions of Windows, and then select Next.
Choose the program you want to fix. …
Select Next, and then follow the instructions in the troubleshooter.

No joy… :FLUSH)