Reef Tank Show

Let,s start the year off with a bang!!! ::rofl:: PoM
How about members posting pictures of their tanks for all to see. It really isn’t that hard to do.

  1. Take some pictures
  2. Upload them to a site like Photobucket
  3. Reply to this thread and add your pictures by copying the image from Photobucket and then click on the icon above the welcome smiley face and paste your image between the brackets.[img][img]

Don’t be bashful, YOU CAN DO IT!!! YahoO

Let’s have some fun :BEER

This is a great idea!!!

i will post some probably tomorrow . I just got done doing a water change so will wait until corals are all opened back up.

Great. Really looking forward to seeing pictures.

Nice Karen. Now the waiting game, waiting for it to grow!

if I dont kill it all first lOl

Cant wait for it all to grow!!! I am excited to watch it! I need some more color in there though!

Thanks for the pics, nice job on your reef tank Karen. Now that’s what I’m talking about!
Am I the only one who enjoys looking at other members tanks.

Crappy cell phone pics because my $600 camera is useless with a $7 memory card slap-stick

Tank is looking really nice Craig. All the pics look great, but I enjoy the full tank shots.

“Who is that good looking fish?”

“Oh, it was me!”
My nano 8gal

Stumbled on a growth shot. Sorry, poor quality.

Holy cow Tim. Is there a purpose to your tank or just let it go and do whatever it please. I know you say you don’t do water change, but do you add supplements? how about filtrations? I’m pretty sure you use to have other corals in your tank; has it been taken over by the GSP or those nems?

My office nano. Only a few months old.

That looks cool!!!

I was not going to post because my tank is so young at only 5 months but what the hey! ;D

Here are some FTS and various of some inhabitants. be gentle please. j/k

fts only blues.jpg

Very nice Eric! Hope those frags you got from me are doing great. I see the setosa frag looks like it has acclimated just fine. I love seeing pics of newly created reefs.

Looks great Eric! Better than my first tank at the same time. I made a ton of mistakes the first 5 months due to not finding the right info. DRC has been a huge blessing for me. Keep at it!

Thanks for the kind words guys. I wish that I could say that this was my first tank but I had a couple since July 2012 that I screwed up on so I had plenty of learning experiences. John, the frags are great, thanks again for the advice and hospitality. I hope to meet as many people as possible in the club.