Was just wondering if anyone has given it a try yet? Seems like a pretty straight forward process…
I have seen many reefkeepers spending hours reading, hours working, and money on extra chemicals or equipment they didn’t honestly already have laying around their house to save a couple dollars.
Let’s say you spend…
1 hour reading
1 hour collecting supplies and recharging the media
to make a $10 di resign last 1.5 times as long.
So you save $5 for 2 hours worth of work. Even if you only spend $1 on supplies(or use a dollars worth of something you would have used for something else). Your working at a rate of $2 an hour… If you’re skipping as you do the work and have a smile on your face it may be worth the time, but I personally don’t enjoy chemistry that much. You’ll also be working with dangerous chemicals so if you happen to burn yourself when you’re applying first aid or looking at the burns for weeks you’ll have to ask your self… was it worth $5?
DI resign often lasts 6 months, actually I’m pretty sure the DI resign I have in my RODI is closer to 12 months old and I know I use more water then anyone else in the club. $5 maybe 10 a year in savings to keep toxic chemicals on your shelf.
I understand the hobby is expensive, but this isn’t something I’d recommend. Limiting live stock purchases or fragging healthy animals to sell at the DRC frag swap(with out buying expensive supplies in order to do so) may be wise ways to make the hobby less expensive.
Just my two cents I know some will disagree.
i have used it. so has A. we both think that it’s a complete waste. the old new stuff lasts way less than 1/2 as long as good new DI.
I agree with them both. But, If you have time and just curiosity on how to do it. Then it might be worth the effort. Here a link if you want to try Dave.
I will be giving it a try later on, I have the chemicals on hand all ready, but not enough DI resin to make it worth wild right now.