Reset password

does anyone else need to reset their password frequently? It seems like I need to do it twice a day for the past couple of days. Could this be due to any site upgrades happening?

Ive got the same one since i joined and dont think ive ever had to reset it

I’ve been using the same one since the day the site was created.

I will occasionally have to re-enter it due to a cookie fart - but I’ve never been prompted to change it.

Just happened again. I was notified the password was incorrect. I just changed it a couple hours ago and had to go through the reset process again.

sounds like you have something going on with your system. I have not heard of anyone else having that issue at all and this site gets no updates all changes are done on and export imported into the new database.

Very strange. I’m on my iPhone. This has never happened with any other sites. I’ll try using Chrome instead of safari and see if that makes a difference.

Of you copy and paste your name or password it leaves a space at the end of the name or password. It will think the space is a character. If you hit backspace it should remove it and you should be able to long in normally.