Review Board - should we have one?

We are going to run the review board as a test to see what type of feedback we can receive, and how it is received. We’ve had 2 of our LFS already comment that they like the idea.

[quote=“Jcling, post:20, topic:3236”]
I would question this whole section of reviews, these are all relatively bias and give us as a forum a rather negative light. I feel like we should be a more open and receptive forum.[/quote]

Of course they are bias, they are personal reviews. i couldn’t disagree with you more on this topic. just because a LFS gets a negative from one person doesn’t mean it will get another from a different person. its a matter of opinion and this is what this forum is for. Its just shedding more light into the world of the LFS. reviews/comments on quality are everywhere, amazon, ebay,…everywhere. they are meant to be taken by others with a grain of salt, and their main purpose is to inform the public about the good the bad and the ugly. i feel this has no ill effects on us as a club and i for one will most def post a review the next time im in a LFS.

Its funny tho… being on the other side of the counter… how many people would take the time to post a positive comment or visit versus how many will feel the need to post up a bad experience because they r still upset when they get home, and want to make it known! Lol im the same way, but think about it… which would you be more likely to do?

Quite honestly I am usualy more apt to post positive reviews then negative. In the instance of my first “example” review it was just a natter of being so disgusted and seeing no improvement over many many visits. I could have posted a glowing review of DPA but everyone knows that would be a biased review. If my truck wasn’t in the shop is be at TFB right now and would proba)ky have a glowing review to write.

No fish bowl reviews for a few weeks! Lmao!

There is an inherent degree of liability incurred when posting negative reviews. A quick google query will return listings of numerous lawsuits pertaining to individuals blogging negatively about various businesses.

but isnt there a difference between negative blogging vs a review system? there are plenty of private companies/media types that review businesses or products in a particular field, and they r not always positive. wouldnt siskel and ebert of been canned long before now if that was the case? (i know, gene siskel died awhile ago, but u get my point…)

If it is not too late, Feedback is a valuable tool, that helps me see my store from a different perspective. but when that feedback is based on opinion it tends to lean more towards slander. a customer might come in one day and see sick clowns, (yes that happens sometimes) this customer might not be aware of any steps being taken to remedy, and state that the store has sick looking fish, then the snowball effect starts. if something in the store upsets the customer, I prefer the customer tells me. If something in the store pleases the customer, then tell everyone.

thanks for reading my early morning rant
(the bigdlink guy)

[quote=“bigdlink, post:28, topic:3236”]
if something in the store upsets the customer, I prefer the customer tells me. If something in the store pleases the customer, then tell everyone.[/quote]

:-)lol I think all LFS’s would prefer that to be the case. I feel that the board is here to relay information between members, sometimes that might mean saying that a store has sick fish. If people start talking about who has sick fish, then hopefully those stores will take the steps needed to improve their fish situations.

Matt - what are your thoughts on the person that isn’t comfortable expressing their concerns in the store face to face? Rather then have them start telling people “word of mouth” where you ahve no idea what’s being said, would you welcome the chance to answer concerns in the same thread others are reading?

My opinion is that it gives the stores an anvenue to address the negatives people may post and provide the background or history on what you’re doing to treat the sick clown fish.

If I were a store front I would appreciate the ability to know where to go to se what people are saying and not worry about some smacka$$ hi-jacking my “New Shipment” thread to tell everyone about my sick fish.

I give an honest opinion and it gets deleted…Store owners should not be allowed to post anywhere other then there store forums, just like every other club…Please delete my account and I wish you the best with your club.

Which is why this is such a great forum, we don’t handcuff the sponsors or LFS employees in to only posting in their forums. We appreciate the time and dedication they give to this hobby, this board, and this environment. While we don’t allow sales, shipments, or store bashing by sponsors outside of their respective forums, we value the contributions they make to the general forums and would hate to lose that much experience and insight in to our discussions.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:32, topic:3236”]
Which is why this is such a great forum, we don’t handcuff the sponsors or LFS employees in to only posting in their forums. We appreciate the time and dedication they give to this hobby, this board, and this environment. While we don’t allow sales, shipments, or store bashing by sponsors outside of their respective forums, we value the contributions they make to the general forums and would hate to lose that much experience and insight in to our discussions.[/quote]
Well put.

[quote=“fishguy9, post:27, topic:3236”]
but isnt there a difference between negative blogging vs a review system? there are plenty of private companies/media types that review businesses or products in a particular field, and they r not always positive. wouldnt siskel and ebert of been canned long before now if that was the case? (i know, gene siskel died awhile ago, but u get my point…)[/quote]

it’s a difference of perception which is generally left for litigation.

Andrew- It looks as though the cases you mentioned are pending. Have you seen any that awarded the plaintiff?

[quote=“Jocephus, post:35, topic:3236”]
Andrew- It looks as though the cases you mentioned are pending. Have you seen any that awarded the plaintiff?[/quote]

I honestly haven’t looked, but no matter what the outcome substantial defensive legal fees would be incurred.

Nothing gets better, quicker response, from me than an honest face to face, and if anyone needs to talk to my, phone number is public knowledge. there is no reason somebody should feel uncomfortable discussing anything about my store with me. Be it good or bad. and I do value the ability to post outside of my own forum. If any members are uncomfortable talking, e-mails are always welcome.

Thanks for allowing my input.


Generally speaking and after hearing the additional responses, you are still against the idea of a review section Matt?

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:12, topic:3236”]

[quote=“rbu1, post:11, topic:3236”]
…Most people already know what stores to go to and what stores to avoid…I am learning everyday…[/quote]

See I dont think people really know. And proof of this is the 1 store that I find absolutely horrible on so many different levels still has a loyal customer base. If there name were otu there more when people Google them maybe they’d learn something new.[/quote]

Do you think that stores loyal customers use Google? If so if they have any problem with the store at all they would be able to find other stores on google, easy as anything. If your point in opening a review section is to get these other stores shut down I do not think it will do so as those people are obviously not on the DRC board and besides this service does no good to our forum members. We all already have an opinion on that store and have heard yours.

I want to point out one thing that should be obvious in some of the below arguments. There is a HUGE difference between Consumer Reports and PC World viewing products and Joe Blow from lower Delaware that has never been to any other LFS besides the one in his home town and he is friends with the owner’s cousin… Can we make it a rule that you actually know what you’re talking about or have visited more than two LFS before reviewing? How do you quantify that you know what you’re talking about. New hobbyist might comment on ECA’s sick clown fish not realizing there are other LFS where every single fish is sick. How do we limit the responses from new hobbyist who don’t have any idea yet what they are talking about?

How do we limit someone from making their first post in the Review section? They could easily be a competitor creating a new screen name just to make a negative dig and bring down their competitions ratings. Write something in the rules sticky? There are multiple stickies on the average forum all over the net if a newby is used to RC they may just ignore the rules and post. If we remove their comments or scold them and they are legit then the first interaction they have with the board is a negative one and they think their posts are not welcome. It’s already rough when an experienced hobbyist with nice frags makes a FS thread and we have to remove that. You’ve created a lose lose situation.

Craig in your response to Matt you said, “and provide the background or history on what you’re doing to treat the sick clown fish.” so you think the stores should be allowed to address concerns and post in the review board? Sometimes this might actually go alright, I can see a lot of fights and arguments though. Just what we need on the board.

I still hold the opinion that this is not a good idea, especially without being discussed further. I would at least like to discuss it with some of the sponsors. We’ve heard from one owner who doesn’t seem to be a fan, one LFS employee who isn’t a fan, and one that is a fan. Depending on how you define sponsor it seems to be 2-1 against it. This needs to be thought out before started publically.

Yes stores/establishments/people would be able to respond.

The idea isn’t to put people out of business it’s to help reefers make better informed decisons.

The board is set to only allow posting once you’ve reached 50 posts.

If you don’t like the idea of the review board you don’t have to sue it - I personally think it’s a great way to communicate with LFS, online retailers, and allow others to know about your experience.

I bet you’d be suprised at how many people in society would simply walk out and never come back rather then tell a store owner how dissapointed in the store they are. These are the people that jump online and bash the store and the owner then has no recourse.