Review Board - should we have one?

I agree with Craig… " I personally think it’s a great way to communicate with LFS, online retailers, and allow others to know about your experience."
I think this is way too big of a deal… since when does someone have to be an expert to have an opinion? Everyone is still entitled to their opinion in this country right? and i for one, don’t always believe others opinions…
and law, lawyers…really? are they gonna come get me cause i think burgerking sucks? and i like the food better at wendy’s ?
I’m just the new guy around here, but this thread is a perfect example of what i see in this club so far, bunch of people arguing about dumb stuff, where as on threads that relate to “reef club stuff” there are no responses… example, i offered help and place to get together for reef related stuff on another thread 3-4 days ago, and haven’t gotten 1 single response.
Filling out a survey card… being in the “Best of Delaware Magazine”…taking time to fill out a comment card at the end of a meal in a restaurant… isn’t this basically the same damn thing?? consumer reports/opinions…this is an argument? wow, this club is fun!

I would welcome the board, It is up to the individual who posts, as well as the individual who reads these things to decide what is truth and what is opinion, those who can’t distinguish the difference, will likely become a moderators nightmare. lets see how it plays out.

[quote=“bigdlink, post:42, topic:3236”]
I would welcome the board, It is up to the individual who posts, as well as the individual who reads these things to decide what is truth and what is opinion, those who can’t distinguish the difference, will likely become a moderators nightmare. lets see how it plays out.[/quote]

He said what I could not get in words…

[quote=“saltcreep, post:41, topic:3236”]
I agree with Craig… " I personally think it’s a great way to communicate with LFS, online retailers, and allow others to know about your experience."
I think this is way too big of a deal… since when does someone have to be an expert to have an opinion? Everyone is still entitled to their opinion in this country right? and i for one, don’t always believe others opinions…
and law, lawyers…really? are they gonna come get me cause i think burgerking sucks? and i like the food better at wendy’s ?
I’m just the new guy around here, but this thread is a perfect example of what i see in this club so far, bunch of people arguing about dumb stuff, where as on threads that relate to “reef club stuff” there are no responses… example, i offered help and place to get together for reef related stuff on another thread 3-4 days ago, and haven’t gotten 1 single response.
Filling out a survey card… being in the “Best of Delaware Magazine”…taking time to fill out a comment card at the end of a meal in a restaurant… isn’t this basically the same damn thing?? consumer reports/opinions…this is an argument? wow, this club is fun![/quote]

For any assertion to be relevant, it should come from a knowledgeable individual or source. Half the problem with this country is that everyone has an opinion but completely ignorant to the facts. It is reality that certain online posts could be construed as slander. If you placed advertisements stating " Burger King sucks", it wouldn’t surprise me if legal action was taken. I’m not stating the reviews are a bad idea, just that a degree of risk management should be assessed.

“and law, lawyers…really?“ It was only a week ago the moderators and officers got a message from a board members who claimed he was talking with his lawyer. Sounds childish, doesn’t sound likely, but remember we’re in America. It’s sad, but possible.

Andrew, very well said above. I to think this should be looked into a little further before started. Risk is high if not properly managed, and well as far as moderators nightmare…. I won’t be taking on any more extra work. Will be up to someone else to moderate.

saltcreep, sorry for the negative image so far. It is the summer and people are in general ignoring their tanks. Things will pick up and get better in the fall. I swore I posted in your invite to have something at your house. I’d love to come over, chill, and chat reef. Just say when and PM me the mailing addy. Regardless the meetings are a lot more enjoyable then the crap we’ve seen on here recently. When things get negative I often try to start new conversation on different topics. Not all of them get attention. Seems these pics were more impressive to me then to anyone else. Suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder and perhaps having raised these guys I’m a bit biased.
Saltcreep it is pathetic a lot of the bickering that goes on. I hear what you’re saying as the last time we had major fling on the boards there was a post with a hobbyist begging for help to save an animal he loved. Didn’t get near as much of a response or even people viewing as the negative crap.
I heard a discussion on the topic on NPR once. It isn’t just this forum. It isn’t just reef forums. It sadly seems to be a part of human nature or the way American’s have been raised in modern society. All the bickering and egos flailing and all the other crap. I don’t know why. I’ve always thought the club would do with a much smaller board with less division, less rooms or forums or whatever, and more focus on talking reef. News thread is filled with nothing but old news. The last three threads created in it had to be removed behind the scenes, the last of which was a thread created just to curse me out. I think I’m about done with forums though. Not sure it’s worth the time or energy anymore and I certainly have more important things to do.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:45, topic:3236”]
“and law, lawyers…really?“ It was only a week ago the moderators and officers got a message from a board members who claimed he was talking with his lawyer. Sounds childish, doesnÂ’t sound likely, but remember weÂ’re in America. ItÂ’s sad, but possible. [/quote]

How sad. This forum is made possible because members of Delaware Reef Club pay their dues.

And this (threatened) action is likely a forum member, and NOT a club member.

[quote=“rbu1, post:43, topic:3236”]

[quote=“bigdlink, post:42, topic:3236”]
I would welcome the board, It is up to the individual who posts, as well as the individual who reads these things to decide what is truth and what is opinion, those who can’t distinguish the difference, will likely become a moderators nightmare. lets see how it plays out.[/quote]

He said what I could not get in words…[/quote]

what he said

[quote=“rbu1, post:31, topic:3236”]
I give an honest opinion and it gets deleted…Store owners should not be allowed to post anywhere other then there store forums, just like every other club…Please delete my account and I wish you the best with your club.[/quote]

I think (if I where a store owner)

If someone had a problem with their tank, and I could help them online with advice, they would return the favor… And vise versa, If a store owner would have helped and solved my crash 3 weeks ago, he would be given my buissness, Of course I am a small customer, 180 gal/90 Gal refuge. Store owners should have the store name as advatars, to destinguise them.

Ok… im completely cool with that. I can delete this name, and post 100% as tfb. No biggie to me, if it keeps away the notion that im hiding something or whatever… i just don’t want to lose posting privledges in ALL forums. Sounds like a good idea imo.

Well, like rohnert said, our little club pooled its financial resources and membership talent to create this fine little website, so that we members could keep in touch and discuss stuff or share tank tales in between meetings. and to attract new members.

We also set it up to escape the censorship, rules and limitations of the complimentary free forum we used to use on RC. so why would we want to set up similar policies that will . that said, i am not for bashing of stores. it comes up in cycles as new people enter. but still does no good. we all shop local, most of the time, and it doesnt take more than a visit or two to decide your own preferences. and in the event you have problems with a places set up or looks, well, like BJ says, a few minutes of face time while you are there goes a lot further than endless gossip blogging afterwards. you may actually get a response while at the store .

not all stores frequent our forum. and im quite sure our actual paid membership is just a small, albeit an enthusiastic portion of any store’s total clientele.

I think we would better serve ourselves with positive experiences on the forum and leave the negative feedback for face time at the store where it might actually do some good. Its just a flaw of human nature we have to cope with. we all like to throw stones from the safety of groups rather than catch them alone. and we are still like a group of cave men huddling around a fire, afraid of the dark… Get over it.

Well stated ken; I personally would respect someone more if they spoke to me directly, instead of some evasive semi-anonymous internet posting.