I have a ro unit 50 g for sale asking $100 for it. The unit is like brand new just purchased in December. The unit works perfectly my water is just terrible and don’t produce enough water for my needs. I’m going to include new filters for the unit as well. If anyone is interested let me know
you sure you installed it properly? are you on a well or city water?
Yeah Im possitive everything is hooked up correctly we even talked to everyone at dpa. I have city water. Our plumbing lines that go into the house are smaller then normal, some of the lines have been replaced already. So we just need to upgrade to 100g with the pump. I have priced just pumps and they are the same as the unit plus I’ll go from 50 gallon a day to 100 which is great since I upgraded from 24g to 65g.
This should be in Market Place
It is now …
A couple of things to keep in mind. The only part you need to change in order to change your production is the membrane. If you were to buy an RODI unit brand new, the ONLY difference between the same model RODI units with different GPD ratings are they membrane. Also, keep in mind that you will trade off quality for production. Typically you will not get the same TDS reading with a 100GPD membrane that you will get with a 50GPD.
As far as the pipes, im not sure what city you live in, but ive never seen a water pipe smaller than 1/2". The diameter of your pipe at the water company’s demarcation can vary in size, but usually residential is always the same. The size should be on your water bill. All of your inside piping should be at least 1/2". If your water pressure is unusually low, this could be affecting your output of your current RODI unit. If thats the case, i would purchase a booster pump(if needed) and keep your RODI with the 50gpd membrane. Your production will increase and it should be more than sufficient for your needs. Your water production is always directly proportional to your water temeprature and water pressure, the colder the water or the lower the pressure, the less water you will produce.
[quote=“dnc15, post:3, topic:1127”]
plus I’ll go from 50 gallon a day to 100 which is great since I upgraded from 24g to 65g.[/quote]
I wish we had that fast of an RO. We run our 90g and 15g systems on a 25gpd RO unit.
Icy, you can upgrade your 25 gpd RO to a 50 or 75 gpd or more real easy. just replace the membrane and a matching restricting orifice. Jon upgraded his 25 to a 75, and i did my 50 to a 75. check BFS or some of the other filter sites. they sell the flow restrincting orifices, about $4 under accessories and whichever TFC membrane you want. the housings are one size fits all up to at least 100 gpd membranes.
oh, they have a new high performance 150 gpd filmtec membrane that will fit too. i might try that one next time i replace the membrane, so that i can overflow my barrel and flood the carpet even faster.
Yeah, I know the upgrade is fairly easy… we are going to upgrade to a 75gpd once we need a new filter, but for the moment the TDS on this filter is good enough that I cant really justify getting a new one yet.
Yeah I did look into a booster pump but for the price of the pump you can upgrade to another unit for the same amount. I heard about the temp affecting output but I also heard you should never turn on or mix it with hot water because of chemicals and sediment in the hot water heater if that’s true how can you warm the water so it’s not so cold. In my neighborhood we do have unusually low water pressure always have see we live in mobile home. I don’t know if know were maple square is but the water pressure is extremely bad. The water lines are very old and ate constantly breaking and they are so rusty which also slows to unit. So what do think is my best option at this point. I had a 24g but now we upgraded to 65g and ro unit just not keeping up we may get 10g a day if we are lucky.
Do you still have the RO unit for sale?