rock question

I just bought 50 lbs of dry rock for my 75 gal tank. I already have 20 lbs in it and now I’m looking to start seeding it with the rock from my 29 gal bio cube. I have ruffly 20 lbs of rock in the bio cube. How much of the rock can I safely remove from the 29 gal without the tank crashing? Can I just leave 4 or 5 lbs being my corals will still be in the 29 gal until the 75 gal is cycled?

Yes. you can leave a small amount of rocks in your cube

You’re worried that removing the rock would hurt the filtration and what not? Do you have a lot of fish in the little tank? If no fish then absolutely no worry. Just do not feed the tank. You could remove it all if you needed.

If you are worried read a bit into what it takes to run a QT tank for corals. Will make you feel a lot better. I have 4 tanks in my basement… actually 5 that have just about no rock in them with corals. Just no fish.

it will have 1 clown fish and a coral banded shrimp in it but i do have a filter stuffed in the back with a floss pad rubble rock and cemi pure

With that light a bio-load you should be fine t remove most of the rock - just don’t take it all out at once. Give the system a chance to stabilize a little at a time. There shouldn’t be any issue removing it all at once but why risk it if you don’t have to.

sounds good thanks

Also if you plan to keep the nano going for long you may decide to add a little base rock to it as well to start to build up a stronger biological system. Otherwise until it is a significantly stable system or you break it down just make sure to keep up with your water changes. Actually you should always keep up with your water changes, but this is even more important when you don’t have a lot of filtration and have a small system.

See you later today. Too many new people with names that start with user names that start with S