Saltwater order for 08/19/13

We received an incredible saltwater shipment today that included several species that we have not had for a while. On the fish side we received two beautiful Purple Tangs, really nice size and eating great only hours after acclimation! Also in fish, we received two XXLG. Neon yellow damsels, great for a fish only system, Melanurus Wrasses, Male Fairy Wrasses, Copperbanded Butterflies, Lemon Butterflies, Chaulk Basslets, Citron Gobies, and Twinspot Signal Gobies, just to mention a few. On the coral side, it was a smaller order this week but what we did receive is exceptional. First there are some larger aquacultured Acros. with awesome color. We started with four and two sold right away. Also in short supply but looking amazing are more Elegance corals, Duncan frags., and Meteor Shower Cyphastrea. This last coral is bright green with neon orange polyps, compare to smaller pieces online at twice the price, they are selling quickly as well. Lastly, in our invert. line, we received Tiger Coweries and Fire Shrimp plus Cleaner Shrimp and more. As always, check out our website at for complete listings.