Saltwater Shipment 9/24

We received in a fish order today including Small Blue Tang, Small Dogface Puffer, Sexy Shrimp, Copperband Butterfly, Juv. Koran Angel, Yellow Spotted Mandarin and much more. Check out our website for a full listing.

oooooo - -always wanted a sexy shrimp.

How many can you keep in a tank? I have the worst luck with buying shrimp and having them hide in the back of the rock work where I can never see them.

Sexy shrimp can and should be kept in groups. Keep in mind that they are VERY small. Ours are coming in around 1/2inch and max size is 3/4 inch. We have 4 on display in our 2 gallon nano tank and it can be a challenge to spot them. In a full size aquarium it would be impossible to find them!