If anyone hears of another sand bed trade please let me know. After recent stressful times with my tank I believe it may have hurt the biological diversity in my tanks.
For those who have not heard of “Sand bed trades†these can be a useful tool in boosting the health of your tank and in reducing the risk of “Old tank syndromeâ€ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ. We all know part of the reason we purchase LR(Live Rock) is for the microfauna and bacterias present in them to help boost the health and diversity present in our systems. Over time in a small system some of the biodiversity can be lost and could use a boost. Sand bed trades are just one way to do so.
Typically people mail in a small container of their substrate and it is all mixed together at someone’s home. It is kept in water with good chemistry for at least 4 weeks 2 months to reduce the risk of spreading disease and other unwanted organisms. After 4 weeks everyone who mailed in some substrate is mailed back a container to add to their system.