Say What! How Much?

I was looking around and came across a site called “Cornbred’s Corals” , and saw this up for sale LOL ::rofl::

This is definitely a indication of a higher level of coral fragging. I can see the doughboy, I can, I can. YahoO

 I've seen a lot of there corals but sorry even if I could drop that kinda money on a coral I'd wanna see it in person. Too easy to play with lighting and pictures after the shot 

  Everything that person has looks great

Agreed. It looks like very intense LED blue lighting, but I wonder what factors are considered when they price a coral like this one. Even the shape indicates that it may have been manually formed some how.

Yeah think I’d like to know how they justify that as well

But you know with a coral grown under T5s vs MH vs LEDS a lot time will morph into different colors

Great price as long as they give a money back guarantee that all its subsequent cloned frags will grow into perfectly shaped Stay Puff Marshmallow Men you can sell for a Gazillion Dollars each!

looks like a little photoshop action on it as well

He grew it out with a cookie cutter plastic shaped like that and the coral grew to that shape