Schedule conflict

As some of you already know, Jacob (my youngest) has signed up for cub scouts. They meet on the second and third Monday of the month and fourth Tuesday of the month . This conflicts with our monthly meetings.

With that being said, I would like to change our meeting nights from the 3rd Monday to the 4th Monday of the month starting with November’s meeting. I am also open to changing the day of the week also.

Please participate in the poll!!


what does the school have available?

I start a new work schedule and wont be able to make any meetings. I start 12-10 shift 10/17 so unless im done early i cant make any of them

I’d still prefer a weekend meeting.

When are you looking to start and implemented the change?
Is the meeting coming up still current ?

Weekends wont work for most. I know I am busy on the weekends. We have talked about weekends several times. As far as the school goes, I am not that concerned. I am getting a feel for what people would like then go from there. The school isnt our only choice anymore.

Sorry Jason, we will miss you at the meetings.

I would like to implement this schedule change starting with November’s meeting. October’s meetins remains the same.

Only because you wont have anybody for your kid to torture ::hitsthefan::

All 3 options work for me.

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:3, topic:8809”]
I start a new work schedule and wont be able to make any meetings. I start 12-10 shift 10/17 so unless im done early i cant make any of them[/quote]

What kind of shift is that. lol. You need to find a different job Jason. oh wait, you fix my stuff too, never mind, lol.

I guess any day doesn’t matter for me, because I still can’t make it. Actually if we have one the 28th of Nov, I can make it. I’ll still be home.

If you want a say in what day we change the meetings to then dont forget to get your vote in!!!

I checked and the school cafeteria is open for the 4th Monday of every month!