Screen Top

Hey guys,

Just checking here before i went and ordered some. Does anyone here have any extra screen netting that you would use for a DIY screen top? I need 24"x24". Trying to avoid having to order a whole roll from BRS. Not trying to be picky but im looking for the kind that BRS sells, same grid size so i can still get light through and keep fish in.

Thanks in advance guys,


If you don’t have any luck, maybe someone will split it, or you can sell the leftover piece.

brs has 2 diff sizes and it comes in clear or black correct?

some local stores carry “bird netting” for ponds and such… looks like the same stuff, not sure about the grid size or cost though. if it is the pond size stuff, then i’m sure somebody’s got an small extra piece… ::thinking::

i bet the bigger grid size could be doubled- up, with an offset overlay to get the same results as using the smaller, but i’m not 100%

Casey, I got lots of the bird netting ones left over. If you want to stop by and check it out you are welcome to. It works very well for me, it keeps the fish in the tank.

Awesome A ill swing by one day this week. Just moved the clowns over to the bigger tank and i don’t want them take a leap of faith.