Septemeber 2010 meeting

I unfortunately can’t make it, I have a night class until 8pm on mondays =[ I can’t skip tonights class, but Im sure I can next month haha

Anyone sees this while at the meeting, can u get jon (houndsbayman) to call the “bowl”. He left his bucket of salt that he paid for. I just need to know what’s the best plan to get it to him?

[quote=“fishguy9, post:22, topic:3324”]
Anyone sees this while at the meeting, can u get jon (houndsbayman) to call the “bowl”. He left his bucket of salt that he paid for. I just need to know what’s the best plan to get it to him?
bj, i rode up with him and he sez he’s coming north on friday, i believe, so he’ll contact you before then about getting it.

Good to see everyone at the meeting. Was a good time. Nice to hear about everyones tanks and issues and changes recently.

Was good to hear I wasn’t the only one that strongly believed in the benefits of a controller. There was lots of discussion on dosing carbonates, temperature ranges, cyano bacteria, water change sizes and so on and I believe some of the discussion at times may have gone over some peoples heads. If anyone has any questions about what the heck we were talking about feel free to post and ask questions. We’re always glad to help fellow reefers.

Thanks to Bill and Marty for conducting the meeting, collecting dues, handling the raffles, food and all that jazz. Was a good time!

Thanks BJ, I was heading to NY on Friday, but may have to change my plans to get up there on Wednsday, so I will pick it up one day this week for sure.

Guh, upset i missed it, i will be at one, i think ill get to the meeting in november, if not then i will see u for the dec dinner :frowning: