need opinions… is a 3x250watt MH and vho acitinic for a total of 1010watts enough for this size tank to support most corals?..
That will be more then enough.
I run 3 x 250 MH and 2 x 160 vho atinics on my 180 and it's more then enough.
If you have the rocks stacked to the top you may have trouble keeping some corals right under the bulb. That being said that is a heck of a lot of rock if you do. 250s will allow you to keep most stonies mid way through the tank and actually most of them in the bottom half. A lot will depend on your reflectors, brand of bulbs, and ballast. I’d just doing your research on those and in the end getting a par meter to check things out. Eventually you’ll just have to play around with what animals like it where, but I think you’ll find a happy place for just about any coral commonly kept in the hobby with that configuration.
Will you have an open airy canopy or will it be surrounded with wood? You’ll want to consider exhaust frans at the both ends if you are using a canopy. 250s will got HOT.