I think I have fixed the code to allow the site to work with the new php version for now anyway, I am was making good progress on the new site and design but with the new job and fishing time is limited.
But I think I have recent topics and private messages working from within the front page again.
only if trying to us it from the front page, if you were using it from the forum side it was fine, I have now restored it to working from the front page again as well.
Hey Hudz, Where do you go fishing? FW or SW? Boat or Bank? I gotta get my license and go sit on a bank by a tidal drain channel or something and relax.
Well I do a mixed bag, I was a semi-pro bass fisherman from 1989-1994, but when my daughter was born in 95 I gave that up and my bass boat has been dry docked since.
So now I mainly fish IRI some surf between HSP and 3Rs and wade Lums pond when I have some free time in an evening.