Snail on a thread

Has anyone ever seen a snail on a thread? Much like a spider. I have a number of small snails in my tank that I originally thought were baby turbo’s, (1/4" to 3/8") but now believe them to be one of the Columbellids (Dove snail). On three separate occasions I have seen them hanging and then traveling up this “thread”, much like a spider would raise or lower itself using its web.

Any idea’s? Seen this behavior before?

What are they hanging off of? Rock? Corals? Glass? In this case a picture(or video) is literally worth more then a thousand words.

You might try discussing this over at Marine Depot’s forums in the Invertebrate section moderated by Ron Shimek. A lot of people there that can be really helpful, but I have a feeling they’ll be asking for clear pictures as well.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:2, topic:5072”]
What are they hanging off of? Rock? Corals? Glass? In this case a picture(or video) is literally worth more then a thousand words.

You might try discussing this over at Marine Depot’s forums in the Invertebrate section moderated by Ron Shimek. A lot of people there that can be really helpful, but I have a feeling they’ll be asking for clear pictures as well. [/quote]

Two were hanging off rock overhangs and one was hanging off the glass center brace on my tank. I have placed the camera near the tank in case I see this again, although I’m not sure that will be of much value, it really looks like a tiny chrysalis/cocoon hanging in the water. The “thread” is so small and transparent, that I couldn’t even see it with a magnifying glass. A video would be good, if I had a camera, at least you could see it traveling up the thread.

Edit: I took your advise and posted it on the MD forum. I’ll report back with any comments.

Here’s a picture of one on the glass.


Is that your image or one you found?

If that is your image certainly get that over to the MD forum and get advice asap. Do not simply dispose of the animals with out a proper ID.(if they are reefsafe I would be interested in them) I have seen similar animals cause issues with zoanthid and other soft coral colonies. There are a lot of similar animals though and I am certainly no expert on this.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:5072”]
Is that your image or one you found?

If that is your image certainly get that over to the MD forum and get advice asap. Do not simply dispose of the animals with out a proper ID.(if they are reefsafe I would be interested in them) I have seen similar animals cause issues with zoanthid and other soft coral colonies. There are a lot of similar animals though and I am certainly no expert on this. [/quote]

I was doing a water change yesterday, and had noticed two of them near the surface, that one on the glass and another on the wet side of a mag float I keep on the glass center brace of my tank. While doing the WC I noticed the one that was on the mag float was now on the surface of the water, which at this point was about 2" below the mag float, and I could see the strand above the water still attached to the float. Since I had positioned a camera near the tank I tried to free my hands from the siphon I was using to get the picture. Unfortunately, it was trying to reel itself in and once it broke the surface of the water, I think the extra weight of the snail no longer being buoyant, caused the stand to break and the snail to sink to the bottom. So, when I was finished with the WC, I snapped a picture of the other one for ID purposes. They have been in the tank for some time, and I don’t think they are any problem at all, I frequently see them on my frag rack, with no damage to the coral whatsoever. So, I don’t plan on disposing of them.

Ron Shimek’s response:


I have seen the same behavior several times in nature and numerous times in my various aquaria. Anyway, the animal extends a thread of mucus and, on occasion, can drift away on it. Obviously, it depends upon a lot of factors (the animal has to be close to neutrally buoyant, the currents “just right,” etc.) to work as a “mode of transportation” and I am not sure the animal ever really means to drift away, but… who knows.

Cheers, Ron