So what the $%^& is this??

I’m growing rice now?

I threw snap crackle and pop in your tank last time I came by


2 questions.
first is that sea cabbage?
second is that rice looking stuff in areas of receeding tissure or die off areas?

i ask because i have seen this in mine once or twice in small amounts. it looks like pieces coming from sea cabbage coral. if you look at coral you can see whitish pieces under flesh and around edges.

my leathers do that when they are reaching for a new place to grab and grow…

the peice a lot of us have from martin does this in my tank…i have ones much larger than that…

mine seems to do it as a result of growth rather than decline/death

Figures Glen would be the first one to post some useful information on this one, lol.(our local Cabbage Leather guro) They are in fact sclerites. These are the skeletal elements of the soft coral pictured. They are often present in greater number at the base of these corals used to anchor them to the substrate. They often times examine these under microscopes to help identify corals. No need to grab a microscope for that coral though.(Sinularia dura aka Cabbage Leather)


my leathers have stuff that look like that 2

[quote=“Gordonious, post:6, topic:2439”]
Figures Glen would be the first one to post some useful information on this one, lol.(our local Cabbage Leather guro) They are in fact sclerites. These are the skeletal elements of the soft coral pictured. They are often present in greater number at the base of these corals used to anchor them to the substrate. They often times examine these under microscopes to help identify corals. No need to grab a microscope for that coral though.(Sinularia dura aka Cabbage Leather)[/quote]

Good info. Thanks. I didn’t think it was anything bad, I’ve been looking at it for months now, but I had the camera out yesterday and it suddenly dawned on me I didn’t really know what it was I was looking at.