something cool we should do!!!! The Blind Thermos Trade

An updated pic… Yes i’m still alive and my tank is doing well. >LOL< Hope to see you all at the OCT meetin later

Not to shabby. A lot better looking then my cinder block stands. Any updated pics?

You did an awesome job on that stand. The tank looks great. The only thing I would do is add a background on the back to hide the cords and the wall.

Very nice! Yeah, I would add a background as well. How about an updated pic?

Well at the moment I am slowly stirring my stand and adding crushed coral to keep it from blowing all over the place. I’m about 1/3 done with it just waiting to work the rest when i have enough filtered water.

[quote=“SnEaKyPoLoCk, post:25, topic:576”]
and adding crushed coral[/quote]

You do like to do things different don’t you?

crushed coral ewwwwwwwwww i will never use it agian i am slowly removing mine. ugly stuff

Seriously the sand sucks (play sand) so until I move it will be an improvement. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like I said in my previous post, after a very convincing talk with Dr. Mac, I have decided to rethink the type of filtration I am going to use in my tank. At this point, I believe I have decided to do all biological filtration. That being said, I would like to get some examples from everyone of what type of Skimmer I should be looking for. As of right now, I have my eye on an ASM G-1 or a Fission Recirculating Skimmer - 150gal I only have a 55g tank, but I figure if the skimmer is rated for a larger tank, it should work more efficiently, and help keep my tank that much cleaner. Does that sound right to anyone else?

The only other question concerning skimmers would be, do they have to match or be close to the size of my return pump if the skimmer is going to be an in-sump skimmer? The fission skimmer is rated at 660gph and the ASM is rated at 250gph. Does that matter at all?


The return pump doesn’t really matter. Get the best skimmer you can, and you’ll be okay. Something rated for 150% of your tank would be good. I wouldn’t throw out the tidepool either, you can do exactly what Dr Mac was saying and keep the tidepool as your sump/refugium. You may have to modify it a bit, but it will work.

I have a 72g and have the ASM G-2. The footprint is just slightly bigger then the G-1 and not much more $$.

It works great,collects much more junk than my last skimmer and doesnt make much noise. I would buy the biggest one that can fit into your sump


Asm!! I’m not only the ex-president but a customer as well. Best skimmer for the $$ go with a G2

[quote=“Jocephus, post:30, topic:576”]
I wouldn’t throw out the tidepool either, you can do exactly what Dr Mac was saying and keep the tidepool as your sump/refugium. You may have to modify it a bit, but it will work.[/quote]

Well my only issue with that is the sticker price on the tidepool is like $150. That isn’t what I paid for it, so I will probably only get around $110 back for it, but I’d rather return it and just buy a food grade plastic bin of some sort, or a small glass aquarium for like $15 to use as my sump. Either way, I am going to have to add baffles of some sort to protect the refugium pieces. Now, if the LFS won’t take it back since it was already returned to them once, i will just keep it and use it.

Sounds like a plan. Or see if the store that sold you the tidepool has or can order the ASM G2/G1. Small stores hate returns but a swap is advantages to both parties.

ASM all the way. I have a G3 and couldn’t imagine not haivng one now. I upgraded from a coralife and can’t get over the difference.

The price tag is a little expensive, but when you see the amount of crap (literally) they pull out it becomes very worth it.

Another option is the Octopus brand of skimmers. Same design as the ASM but cheaper materials so they run a little less expensive.

Only other thing I would add would be to get the largest skimmer you can afford. You have a 55g now, but within 2 years I predict you’ll be upgrading to a 90.

I have the Octopus Extreme 200 on my 95gal and I love it. It pulls out some of the nastiest crud I have ever seen.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:35, topic:576”]
ASM all the way. I have a G3 and couldn’t imagine not haivng one now. I upgraded from a coralife and can’t get over the difference.

The price tag is a little expensive, but when you see the amount of crap (literally) they pull out it becomes very worth it.

Another option is the Octopus brand of skimmers. Same design as the ASM but cheaper materials so they run a little less expensive.

Only other thing I would add would be to get the largest skimmer you can afford. You have a 55g now, but within 2 years I predict you’ll be upgrading to a 90[/quote]

His skimmer skims some real nasty stuff…look close


[quote=“a1amap, post:32, topic:576”]
Asm!! I’m not only the ex-president but a customer as well. Best skimmer for the $$ go with a G2[/quote]

I beg to differ, for $20 more you can get the MSX 200 which will outperform a G2. I have to agree with entoreefer here.

gotta say that MSX is the way to go… I have a 250 on my 220/75sump it has dual Sicces and i’m using the PW and it’s pulling major crud