something cool we should do!!!! The Blind Thermos Trade

[Quote]the thermos blind trade

I did a trade with a member and they sent it in a thermos that had been used for other trades amongst members. there were a couple screen names on it already, I added mine and the person I recieved it from as well as who I was sending it to.

when I sent it out, it was for a thing some of my friends and I do called blind trading. we dont know what we are gettting, the frags are small, but its fun, we try not to trade super commons, usually moderately rare stuff nothing super rare, but uncommon stuff. its fun to not have any idea what your getting. maxalmon now has the thermos. if any one else is interested in joining the blind trade circle, post here, there are never any set dates or any strict guidlines we do singles of rics 3-5 polyps on zoas. stuff like that. nothing huge. (it has to fit in the thermos) I want to see how many SWF names we can cram on this little thermos. and when the thermos runs out of rooms hopefully whoever has it at the time can spare a buck or two and add a little autograph book to the package with the thermos to keep it going. I would have but I didnt think of it untill after I sent off the thermos.

I figure the first person to post in on this will be next in line for the trade. keep in mind you end up doing two trades one to get the thermos and one to send it off on its way. if you cant afford to ship twice PLEASE dont participate as it would halt the thermos’s journey around the US of A. and please keep it amongst posters, dont send it to some one who is never going to trade with another member.

I believe maxalmon is going to post pictures of the thermos at some point here once he finds this thread. lets keep it fun. there is a chance that you may get something you already have. thats life in a blind trade, its happened to me more than once, but its still fun.

we ship USPS priority, so the coral has to be hardy enough to handle the shipping zoas palys, uncommon shrooms etcetera. try not to ship super commons please. I figure I’ll let the thermos go through several trades before jumping back into the loop.

if there are any hang ups or confusion during this run of trades PM me and I will try and sort things out as best I can. originally posted by…reefkprZ[/quote]

i cant believe no one wants to do this. this club is starting to bore me >::: not enough stuff going on. silly bbq’s and not enough reef stuff. i have tried to get people to help build some diy stuff and nobody responds >::: what is this club for? other than trading ideas and knowlegde

isnt trading knowledge and ideas enough? everyone is at a different level in this club and is interested in different things.
I dont think the thermos would work for us because most people already have what the want from other tanks from previous trades. 99% of the club has softie tanks, i have an SPS, why would i want a random softie in a thermos? as far as the DIY stuff, again, everyone is at a different level. I pretty much have every single piece of equipment i could ever want, and have offered to help any newbs with DIY components for there system. What other reason would there be to build something? If someone is interested in a DIY project, they can post here for informatoin or help. People are only going to respond to that which directly interests them and because this club is relatively small and everyones interests and level vary so much the response will typically be limited.

what would you suggest we do as whole to be more entertaining for you?

Boy who ever told me that saltwater lovers are gentle, passive people lied to me!!!


U know what the great King said…

most of us are ;D

Why would I pay to ship a thermos around the club when I can go to the house and see what I am getting? The blind thermos trade works well in a forum across the country but not local. We had a big trade a couple of meetings back. We will have one again. Most of our members have younger tanks without a lot to trade.

As for Diy builds they are great. However most people want to build something they can take home and use; most of the ones you post are to build something for you.

I have 2 DIy builds for future meetings but there are 2 criteria to do it at a meeting: interest and cost. Even for the DIy rock meeting that 10 people were interested in only a few showed up. Everybodys skill level is different and not everybody has a lot of free time. If you want to do a build, post what you want to build. As the starter of the build people expect you to have the majority of the ideas worked out and then coordinate the activity.

It doesn’t have to be a thermos it could just be that at every meeting somebody bring a cooler that is done the same way but not shipped. So the point is if you wanna build something that you have no idea how to do it. Don’t ask drc to help! I think it would be the other way around.

Hes not saying that you shouldnt ask for help, only that you should do some research on your own so you know what your doing before you start the project. Personally, I have made a few DIY things, but most of them are pretty simple (new t5 setup for example) and I really dont see the need for the more expensive equipment when my tank is doing just fine. If you find a way to make a DIY chiller, I would be down for that, but thats about all im interested in for my tank at the moment. I would be more than willing to help with someone else’s DIY projects, but the fact is unless its a pretty basic thing I am lost, along with the majority of the members.

If you are interested in trading, just post in the for sale/trade thread and post what you have and what you want, im sure that you will find someone to trade with. Im in the process of setting up a trade with Jon that we arranged at the BBQ, so even events that dont have a frag swap are worth attending because it lets you talk with eachother and see what you have.

I don’t make every meeting, but the ones I have been to, I’ve never left empty handed. Either a trade, raffle, freebie, somebody always seems to have my back. Hell, BarryG gave me two overflows an external pump and a drilled, baffled sump for free at the first meeting I went to, because I said I was looking for some stuff. That’s why the club is worthwhile. People are there to help each other out. I’d avoid trashing DRC events here, they’ve come a long way under the new regime. I haven’t been a member as long as some, but I have been around for a few years now. I really appreciate the work these guys put in here for free, Al, Ted, Ken, Marty, and the others are working to make this a better organization and their dedication shows. If you think you have the answers, I think I saw a post about new board nominations coming up- :think) jump in and make it better. But expect people to bitch about what you are trying to do, make impossible suggestions, and only post negative things they see in the club.

i think drc is a lil partial when it comes to there members. for example al started a thread that says post your best links for the website. i posted a few but they never got put on the links section! why? because i haven’t been a member as long or what? and i never trashed a drc event. i have gotten alot of info on here and rc and and a ton of other forums so dont think i’m not grateful! i just think that if you guys shoot down everything someone suggests people are not gonna want to join. a shocking thing was the member who helped start this and referred me here said the club was boring and a waste of time as far as meeetings an events but good for knowledge.

[quote=“tat2tillidie, post:10, topic:576”]
i think drc is a lil partial when it comes to there members. for example al started a thread that says post your best links for the website. i posted a few but they never got put on the links section! why? because i haven’t been a member as long or what? and i never trashed a drc event. i have gotten alot of info on here and rc and and a ton of other forums so dont think i’m not grateful! i just think that if you guys shoot down everything someone suggests people are not gonna want to join. a shocking thing was the member who helped start this and referred me here said the club was boring and a waste of time as far as meetings an events but good for knowledge.[/quote]

I find this thread very interesting. I haven’t had the opportunity to go to a meeting because they hasn’t been one since ive joined (short time ago). I have gained so much info and advice from the board. I can’t wait to see other people tanks…so i can drool w/ envy. So many have been helpful. Just check out the crappy sump i built. Without you guys…no way would it have been that easy.

I think new ideas are essential for growth. But I do find your last statement the most interesting of them all. Why? Because it is contrary to what everyone else is saying. The way I read is that the meetings are cool and you can get a lot of things to swap. But I guess I will have to see. But it is a discouraging to here it……at least to me, the newbie!!


I almost threw out my sump and tank last night. Why cause my dumb butt couldn’t figure out how to balance the pump and overflow. Long story short……watch your almost 4yr old he may be lurking and touching….LOL!!!

well dont get discouraged because of me. i’m an assh le and love to show it sometimes. but there are alot of people that are very satisfied with the drc. not me personaly. you may how ever love it. so try it for your self. but dont have high expectations

[quote=“tat2tillidie, post:12, topic:576”]
well dont get discouraged because of me. i’m an assh le and love to show it sometimes. but there are alot of people that are very satisfied with the drc. not me personaly. you may how ever love it. so try it for your self. but dont have high expectations[/quote]

Come on, now. What sort of a club would satisfy you personally? I will say that I don’t really need to do the thermos trade thing, I could just call whoever it is and ask for a swap. The thermos idea goes against one of the core ideas of the reef club, it doesn’t allow you to research your animals before you own them. Even if you say, “stick to softies and mushrooms”, these are live animals that should be researched before acquired. I’m not a board member, just a schmuck in the club. I think that if you don’t like it, there is a DVRC available pretty locally. Maybe your blind thermos idea would go over more there (more members). I won’t disagree that the meetings can drag a bit, but we are a bunch of random a-holes sitting around talking about fish. Maybe dancing girls to spice things up? Al? Al?

[quote=“tat2tillidie, post:10, topic:576”]
i think drc is a lil partial when it comes to there members.[/quote]
How so? Please explain because all I seem to do is work on this site or find things that might interest the masses to try and make it better instead of just surfing.

[quote=“tat2tillidie, post:10, topic:576”]
…for example al started a thread that says post your best links for the website. i posted a few but they never got put on the links section! why? because i haven’t been a member as long or what?[/quote]
Lets revisit the thread I beleive there were directions at the top.

dry goods
reekkeeperz fragging thread[/quote]
Where in the topics section did you see drygood or any aquarium retail sales?
Could we add it? Yes but not enough people asked. Most people have these sites already saved. If I don’t know where to buy a lamp fixture I post a question and 10 people answer with there favorites.

The second part of your post was followed by this correction:

this is saltwater main forum listing[/quote]

As for the forum; I had it added but put it in the wrong section, sorry. Please look here as you will see the link for has been corrected.

Now please check this post and see how many retail outlets in the following post that were added. He is the Vp and a member longer then anyone else in the club. Some of these links didn’t fit in the above topics

Fish ID
fish compatablity guide.
lighting, Test data by Sanjay.
The Aquarium Store Finder.
DIY glass drilling bits and tools.
DIY acrylic glue.
Kaufman Glass, in New Castle, De.
macro and sea grass, when they reopen in june. [/quote]

About half of them were added. I tried to sift through the ones that were posted in the forum sent to me via email and pms and post the best. I have another 400 to work through. To add a link (1) I have to:Go to admin, select Components, select new, answer 7 questions about the link, check each link to make sure it works before I post and after. Also in order to get a description I have to visit each site. Not a 5 Min job. Sorry I did miss place one and it happened to be yours.

[quote=“tat2tillidie, post:10, topic:576”]
i i have gotten alot of info on here and rc and and a ton of other forums so dont think i’m not grateful! i just think that if you guys shoot down everything someone suggests people are not gonna want to join. a shocking thing was the member who helped start this and referred me here said the club was boring and a waste of time as far as meeetings an events but good for knowledge.[/quote]
Good for knowledge, but boring? I find the challenge of doing something that 10 people say can’t be done a fun challange. I have offered you many suggestions on your tank and setup. I called you when you posted problems with your skimmer overflowing and got you a solution. I didn’t drive down there as I just don’t have the time. This club offers more then just knowledge. Each member can answer this for themselves…

As for meetings we have tried a lot of new things some went over well others not so well. But we have a good idea what seems to get the most interest. For one we have learned most are not interested in the daily operations of Drc as long as it works. I have been a member for 3 years and each year has gotten better. Are we where I want the club to be? NO I think if you ask any member of the board you will get the same answer. But I will leave you with this as my final answer on this tread… If something in the club could be better post a topic send a pm or an email. Not all suggestions will be used but will be considered. Some suggestions will take time. There are going to be things on other sites that you like; If possible pm the idea to me and we will see if we can offer it. Not everything that works on another site will work here. There are a lot of forums that have some info I read besides DRC. As we grow we will become more for each member. Ideas welcome



Don’t let anyone chase you away from the group. I am happy to see everyone on this forum, and noone has any more credential then anyone else, as far as I see it. If you think your ideas aer the way to go, tell us. Maybe we’ll agree.

Glad to see the dialog.


I really appreciate the work these guys put in here for free, Al, Ted, Ken, Marty, and the others are working to make this a better organization and their dedication shows. [/quote]
Thank you, Joe.

If you think you have the answers, I think I saw a post about new board nominations coming up- :think) jump in and make it better. But expect people to bitch about what you are trying to do, make impossible suggestions, and only post negative things they see in the club. [/quote]
;D Too true.

this club is starting to bore me not enough stuff going on. silly bbq’s and not enough reef stuff. i have tried to get people to help build some diy stuff and nobody responds what is this club for? other than trading ideas and knowlegde[/quote]
To answer your question , the club was founded for just that, according to the original website. I think Joe stated it best - if the club isn’t meeting your expectations, jump in and make it better. This club is currently growing and expanding. As Al said (in big bold letters), not everything that works somewhere else will be suited for DRC. But, the current board members are working towards making DRC a better club. In fact, there are a few non-board members doing good work, as well. It’s up to you if you want to help out.

i think drc is a lil partial when it comes to there members. for example al started a thread that says post your best links for the website. i posted a few but they never got put on the links section! why? because i haven’t been a member as long or what?[/quote]

Sorry I did miss place one and it happened to be yours.[/quote]

That should answer your other question. Short and succinct, but an apology offered, none the less. Can we move on now?

I didn’t read through this thread till just now as I saw the topic and just igorned it. Bling thermous is not for me. It seems it is not for most of the club as well for the reasons already mentioned.(Either people have everything they want or don’t have the experience to frag)

Al didn’t post those links of your’s so now the whole club is against you? If this is what really set you off you could have PMed Al about it and asked him and I am sure he would have explained it to you. I know he has personally spent a lot of time with you on the phone trying to help you out, but instead of calling him back to ask him about this you blasted your thoughts on the internet for everyone to read.

I agree with Ted if your issue with the whole club was that Al didn’t post your links and he has now appoligized, lets move on.

You can feel free to comment rawdawg05 if you want even though you haven’t been to a meeting. Tatto hasn’t really been to a meeting either which is why he doesn’t know that we do trade corals and sometimes people bring in freebees. We haven’t done a lot of that recently, but the last couple of meetings have been spent rearranging the club and trying to get the ball rolling again. We had a fairly large blind frag swap a couple months ago at Mikes house where something like 10-12 people participated maybe more. Al may remember the exact numbers. You will also find there are few people that participated in the club last year that did not bring home corals from one meeting or another.

BTW rawdawg I would’t call your sump crappy from the pics I saw it looks good. If you’re still having trouble post your troubles. I may be able to come by and take a look at it in person as well, but it may be rough to find a time. If there are still problems let’s see a new post.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:17, topic:576”]
I didn’t read through this thread till just now as I saw the topic and just igorned it. Bling thermous is not for me. It seems it is not for most of the club as well for the reasons already mentioned.(Either people have everything they want or don’t have the experience to frag)

Al didn’t post those links of your’s so now the whole club is against you? If this is what really set you off you could have PMed Al about it and asked him and I am sure he would have explained it to you. I know he has personally spent a lot of time with you on the phone trying to help you out, but instead of calling him back to ask him about this you blasted your thoughts on the internet for everyone to read.

I agree with Ted if your issue with the whole club was that Al didn’t post your links and he has now appoligized, lets move on. [/quote] first off please do not tell me wether or not to pm someone as you put people on blast all the time and act like you know everything about fish and corals and everybody else is ignorant. i went to a meeting and got a freebie from ken thanks again ken. al has helped me on the phone. much thanks al. i didnt put al on blast i said drc was boring me and when i said that al posted the thread was so if anyone wanted to verify that my links were not posted!! i never as much as said one person did anything wrong i said stuff about the club. so bottom line i’m an adult i will post what i want when i want until i get deleted ;D why doesnt anybody ever use there own advice. in this thread i told rawdawg to not to take my word for it to go to a meeting his self. i also said that i got alot of help from drc and alot of there members. so al there was no need to apologize for that i wasn’t trying to piss people off but wanted to express my feelings about the club.

This tread is not going anywhere but down. I am going to lock it and if you wish to use the newly created “Cool Ideas” thread or create a new thread to address the things you would like to change.