Somethings having a snack

i think something has been nipping at my coco pinks… 5/10 polyps are pissed as he11 then are throwing up, and when they blow up they look like they have a hole in them…

i have the urchin, snails, and thats about it in the tank… could it be the cleaner shruimp??

Urchins will eat just about anything if they don’t get enough to eat. And it takes a lot for them to get enough. Some urchins will start to eat bare rock in hopes to get something nutritous out of it. They typically go after fleshy leathers like Sarcophyton first. I haven’t heard of one eating zoas, but I wouldn’t rule it out.

Snails very unlikely, what types do you have?

turbo, cerith or is it nass whichever is the one that burrows in sand… Leathers are fine… although i think it did take out a baby one… free urchin lol, got the algae problem under control, i love it but i dunno…

Is it a long spine Diadema?

uhhhh sure… long spined urchin