Well, it’s that time of year again when hardware stores start stocking snow melt salts for winter. Which means its the season to stock up on Calcium Chloride and Mag Flake for us DIY two part guys. I can report that while at the rt13/273 Airport Home depot this week, i spotted a pallet of 50 pound bags of C-FORCE Calcium Chloride snow melt salts. This is a good brand i have used for years. They didnt have a price tag on em yet, but usually run around $20 a bag. enough for several years.
I have seen 9 pound jugs of Calcium Chloride salts By Morton Salt, at Walmart in the auto section which might also be ok. Its a good brand company,hopefully with good prodution practices.
There are two major chemical processes that produce the bulk of commercial Calcium Chloride in the USA. one is pretty clean. the other can leave a strong residue of ammonia in the salts. That is easy to test for. if in doubt, disolve a few tablespoons of the calcium chloride in a cup of RO water, and then test for ammonia. If none, its good!
So far i havent seen any MagFlake in stock. they usually stock that a little closer to snow season. it’s a little more expensive. but not much. Let us know what you spot too.
Found some at last. I have been watching the the home depots and lowes and sears stores to stock Mag Flake, but they dont seem to be carrying that brand this year. But i stopped at this building supply store today, just down the road from me by the airport and farmers market, and they have all we need.
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good price too, about $15 for a 50 pound bag of Mag Flake, not the Mag Pellets i usually buy, but same stuff, just flakey. So if any of you DIY 2 part guys need to stock up, heres a good place to get it while the winter lasts.
everybody has C-FORCE calcium chloride, and now we have a place with MAG FLAKE Magnesium Chloride by Dead Sea Works. The good stuff.