Squid Dissection

Today in biology I had the privilege of dissecting a squid. It was very cool and educational. I was not able to get pics because I had formaldehyde all over my hands. I’ll see if I can get pics when I dissect the sea star.

Sounds like fun! Mmmmm formaldehyde!

hopefully you were wearing gloves…

[quote=“andrewk529, post:3, topic:1657”]
hopefully you were wearing gloves…[/quote]

maybe… lOl.

Hey weres the pics >LOL<

Cool stuff. Dissection is fun. Surgery is better. Wait until you open up an animal then put it back together and see it wake up again. :slight_smile:

You are really into this marine bio stuff aren’t you?

[quote=“Gordonious, post:6, topic:1657”]
Cool stuff. Dissection is fun. Surgery is better. Wait until you open up an animal then put it back together and see it wake up again. :slight_smile:

You are really into this marine bio stuff aren’t you? [/quote]

Yeah, I like this marine bio stuff.

If we get some time before or after the meeting come talk to me.

[quote=“ravensfan531, post:7, topic:1657”]
Yeah, I like this marine bio stuff.[/quote]

The only problem is the pay sucks! (I know)

[quote=“icy1155, post:9, topic:1657”]

[quote=“ravensfan531, post:7, topic:1657”]
Yeah, I like this marine bio stuff.[/quote]

The only problem is the pay sucks! (I know)[/quote]

But at least you get to pull golf balls out of whale’s blow holes!!!

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:10, topic:1657”]
But at least you get to pull golf balls out of whale’s blow holes!!![/quote]

That’s a different forum Craig…You can’t multitask with multiple windows open can you :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats Seinfeld!

[quote=“IanH, post:12, topic:1657”]
Thats Seinfeld![/quote]

See the kid new what I meant!!!

couple of marine bio’s on here?? interesting. now i am curious… who does what?? (just a site foreman here)
i know ellen is an entomologist… i thought gordonious works at armco?

I was never officially a “Marine Bio” major as they didn’t have an ungrad program at UD for that while I was there. I work for Armco now and I am hoping to start my own company on day.

Really though I’d like to know some real numbers as to how many people go into carriers based on their undergrad major. I’m sure anyone of us could name 3-4 people who worked in different fields then they studied. I really liked Julian Sprung’s suggestion. If I understood him correctly he suggested a double major. Smart idea. Study what your passionate about while also getting a degree that will hopefully provide you with a pay check. These days though it isn’t easy to find a job no matter what you major in.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:15, topic:1657”]
Really though I’d like to know some real numbers as to how many people go into carriers based on their undergrad major. [/quote]

I was an Art major with a concentration in Photography.

I am now a Financial Analyst specializing in credit programs and developing profitability matix for short term loan, credit card, and various other banking products.

[quote=“fishguy9, post:14, topic:1657”]
couple of marine bio’s on here?? interesting. now i am curious… who does what?? (just a site foreman here)
i know ellen is an entomologist… i thought gordonious works at armco?[/quote]

In about a month I am going to be defending my masters thesis on “Using dredge calibation to increase Survey Efficiency of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica).”

Got my undergrad in Marine Bio and am finishing my grad degree in Natural Resources Management… wanted to diversify my degree a little, because you cant get any “Marine Biology” jobs that pay halfway decent, especially with only a bachelors.

When I make my first million, if I ever, I am going to go back to school to study corals. My plan is to make the money first then come back to learn about the animals. Shame, but I’ve come to the conclusion that that is the way to do it if you want to make a living in the industry. I’ll only be going back for my own curiosity and education, not to increase my salary.

When I make my first million I’ll be going down to the islands to learn about the animals first hand :wink: