Starting to frag!

I’m starting to get my frags ready for the swap. Anyone else getting in the groove? :slight_smile:

Made 6 frags of Tubbs Blue zoanthids yesterday, 1 polyp up to 20 polyps. Got a TON of Stardust palys ready to go along with some very fast growing green ones. :slight_smile: Been beating those two back with a stick. :-)###

Awesome. I may want to pick up a couple from you.

I have some red hornet, rasta, and a couple others unsure of name though.
I did frag my setosa about a month or 2 ago and it is finally healing onto the discs nothing crazy big but its something.

Hoping to get some small sps colonies at the swap or before. been on WWC and live aqauria sites looking for something I cant say no to haha.

I’m open to trades :slight_smile: Always on the look out for zoas.

Also looking to make some cash so I can immediately spend it at the swap. Ha!

Adam will you be setting up a table at the swap this year?

Right there with ya
Got about 50 frags done

[quote=“nerak, post:4, topic:9002”]
Adam will you be setting up a table at the swap this year?[/quote]
Yes but only for the sound equipment lOl

[quote=“billrob71, post:5, topic:9002”]
Right there with ya
Got about 50 frags done[/quote]