Stocking Questions

Right now i have:

Bi-color Angel
Canary Blenny
Bicolor Blenny
Scooter Blenny
Six-Line Wrase
Mated Pair of half-blind clown fish

Can i fit another fish or two? They all have hiding spots with many places still open… And if i can what kind-of fish would u suggest. Cant be over 45-50… father is cheap when it comes to things that can die unexpectedly

Probably could fit another small fish depending on the size of them all and how they fit. That being said once those all get fill grown they’d fill in a 75g tank pretty well. Personally I’d give it another month and make sure your tank can keep up with the nutrient level you are already adding to the tank.

Also keep this in mind if you plan on breaking down the tank in the next 4-5 months then you’re going to need to find a home for yet another fish. If you have any thought of possibly keeping the tank at your parents it is another fish that will have to live through less than ideal conditions. If you have any thought about bringing you tank anywhere… well you’re not taking that stand if you are living in a dorm room.(it would take up half the room in most dorm rooms)

Just some food for thought. I can appreciate the fact that you love the animals and like the direction the tank has been going, but keep in mind the decisions you’ll have to make in the next year that will affect the animals and if you need to add another fish to that equation.

Now corals on the other hand, don’t really need extra food added to the water at all and are easier to find a home for. Should be no problem at all finding room in your tank for some more corals you could buy from a fellow reefer. :wink:

Seriously if your tank had three times as much coral and half the amount of fish you could likely get away with doing water changes half as often. I like to think I keep my tanks in optimum conditions and can at time go without a water change on some of my tanks for months.

Just wondering, Why break down when you head off to school? It’s fun having them in your dorm’s trust me :slight_smile: I’ve done it for 2 years now lol. Helps relieve stress most of the time, although sometimes it can help add to it :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I would keep with the stock list you currently have. The clown’s and angel along with the two more active blennys and scooter will be possibly end up outgrowing that system as it is. What size was the system one more time? it looked like a 24g range?

Just for example, in our 37g we have our mated clowns, a six line, scooter, and one (use to have two but the nem got annoyed at one that wouldn’t leave the eggs alone) skunk cleaner shrimp. Bioload wise we could add lots more but personality wise, once your clown’s start spawning, they arn’t as sharing or nice esp. in confined spaces :slight_smile:

Its a 38g with a around 78g of volume. I might get a small 2.5 for the dorm room but nothing special on it. Just a filter, and a PC. I dont have to do the water change but i choose too. The tank is handling the bioload fine ATM. Corals i can always use more of. I will probably buy s few colonies from Mac, and a few frags from the Events this month. Then of course probably more from other reefers… I think i have 9-10 sps now…

That 2.5 idea will change :slight_smile: Ill show a pic of my room once I clean lol… It’s got an RO unit w/ 45g tub for holding, 39g system, 20g system, and a 10g w/ some of my baby clowns :slight_smile:

If you are looking at monti caps, birdsnest or pocillopora I’ve got a bunch left that you might like just an fyi :slight_smile:

I dont have room for anything else… Lol… im having a hard time finding a place for the 40" LCD tv… lol… it would have to fit on my desk, i doubt im going to get a tank until i live in an apartment off campus

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:7, topic:2871”]
im having a hard time finding a place for the 40" LCD tv[/quote]

What is wrong with college kids these days??? We didn’t have TVs in our dorm rooms - we had GIRLS in our dorm rooms!!! And pizza, potato chips, PBR, and a big bottle of Advil - never a TV though.

We didn't have TVs in our dorm rooms - we had GIRLS in our dorm rooms!!!!
>LOL< Craig, you have to rember that not everyone was/is a cool kid!! Although i didnt have a tv i did have a boat load of D&D 3rd ED manuals in my dorm room! Then again i was a physics major living in the honors dorm(Russell) and the hottest girl on my floor had a thicker moustache than i did!! ;D

Very nice Shawn, Didn’t know you lived in Russell, I have been an RA in these dorms for 3 years lol. (Very exciting stuff, but I know exactly what you mean lol.)

Craig, part of the reason may have been because they didn’t have flat screen TVs way back then and most TVs were wider then they were long? :wink: Did they have color TVs back then Craig?

Someone asked me for Purple Monti caps at the meeting and I forget who it was.

Lol craig… did i mention the surround sound… Its a co-ed dorm by wings… there will be plenty of girls around and im sure they dont have mustaches lol. Already been talking to and god a few on my list… thus solidifying the fact why i dont want a fish tank… a little tank for a little nemo will work perfect…

But what happens when the girls all want to feed Nemo and over feed it and kill it and the room smells and no one wants to hang out in the room where animals die. Will be hard to keep anything small like that going for even a semester.

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:12, topic:2871”]
Its a co-ed dorm by wings… there will be plenty of girls around[/quote]

Don’t crap where you eat. NEVER date (even for 20 minutes) a girl that lives in the same building as you. I PROMISE if you do she will let herself in the next time you “date” someone else in your room.

Please don’t ask for details - - just trust me on this one – it never ends pretty - - that’s only in the movies

[quote=“Gordonious, post:13, topic:2871”]
But what happens when the girls all want to feed Nemo and over feed it and kill it and the room smells and no one wants to hang out in the room where animals die. Will be hard to keep anything small like that going for even a semester. [/quote]

Are we still talking about a fish??


I guess that makes sense craig, thanks for the advice… ha…

Well all the more reason not to get a tank till junior year…

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:12, topic:2871”]
Lol craig… did i mention the surround sound… Its a co-ed dorm by wings… there will be plenty of girls around and im sure they dont have mustaches lol. Already been talking to and god a few on my list… thus solidifying the fact why i dont want a fish tank… a little tank for a little nemo will work perfect…[/quote]

You want a girl that approves of your hobby, not one that gets freaked out when she knows how much you really know about the sea critters we collect lol. Trust me Lindsay and I love doing this hobby together, fun stuff :slight_smile: Better that then having a girl who makes you quit the hobby…

ya quitting will not fly… Its either her and the fish or the fish… there will always be more hers …