I have been nursing a Torch coral that I won at the King of Prussia Reef Swap a few months back, and have had very little success. I have moved it from medium flow - medium light, to low flow-medium light, etc, giving 2 week adjustment periods to each location. All my other corals are fat and happy (Hammer, Candy Cane, a bunch of Zoas, carpet nems), and I cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong. Right now it’s sitting in a low flow - low light area of my tank, and it’s still not improving. The skeleton is showing slightly, and I’m getting worried that I’m going to lose it. I don’t want it to perish, and am asking for any input for how to nurse it back to health. Last resort is to donate it to someone so that it may thrive again.
It’s one head, about 2 1/2 inches tall, about 2 inches in Diameter when fully opened. The tendrils (when I first got it) were fat, but over the weeks/months they have shrunk in diameter AND now in length, showing a bit of the skeleton at the base. There has been very little extenstion over the past 4 days. No fungus/disease problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Try placing it out of any direct light. Like in a cave. It will still receive light just not direct. And also low flow. If no cave is available make something to cover directly above it I have frogspawn and the only place it thrives is under cover from direct light. Moliken moved his also and it did better. If all the others are doing good it is kind of weird that it’s not it’s all euphillia
Long skinny polyps can be a result of too much flow or not enough light. Most of the torches I have seen have skinny tendrils and more bulbous heads. How are the calcium and alkalinity levels.
I’ll upload pics when I get home tonight. The polyps are much smaller now compared to when I got it. They’ve been slowly getting smaller/skinnier over time.
4-bulb T5 (2-ATI Blue Plus, 1-ATI Aquablue Special, 1-ATI Pure Actinic)
Salinity: 1.025-1.026, measured via refractometer
I feed every 1 day, wait 2 days, then feed again: Phyto, mysis shrimp, and Cyclopeze. I mix them in a cup w/ tank water to warm them up and deliver via turkey baster w/ my sump turned off for 20 minutes.
12hr light cycle, all bulbs on at once and off at once, with night led accents.
All other levels within tolorence (Mg, Cal, dKh, Nitrite, Nitrate, Amm). pH Could be a little higher, hovering around 7.8-7.9 w/ test kit.
Not sure of the brand pump I’m using, but i’ve got a powerhead w/ roughly 200gph on one side of the tank, pointed counter to the sump inlet. The sump inlet is aimed at the front of the DT, at a slight angle. It’s a 500gph pump with about a 4’ head and 3/4" or 1" tubing . . . so about 250gph?
The Torch is placed, right now, in a low flow area blocked off from high flow by rockwork. It still recieves a fair amount of light. I spot feed when I feed the tank.