[quote=“BigCase, post:20, topic:4304”]
Look into h&s they are the bomb. Www.finsreef.com that’s what I run[/quote]
will do. see ya around 4 at f/b, right?
U got it
Hey I may be a few mins late but I will be there no later than 430. Gotta get my mop cut lol.
[quote=“BigCase, post:23, topic:4304”]
Hey I may be a few mins late but I will be there no later than 430. Gotta get my mop cut lol.[/quote]
thanx. hooked up and running. waiting for crud! couldn’t do it to the sump. it’s hooked to my 65 through a mj 1200. easiest thing to set up in the history of my tank.lol
No problem man hope ya enjoy it. Post some pics!
Paul you don’t have the intake or the out take of that skimmer in your overflow box do you?
[quote=“Gordonious, post:26, topic:4304”]
Paul you don’t have the intake or the out take of that skimmer in your overflow box do you? [/quote]
it’s in the sump, but i’d like to get it into the overflow. i seem to think there’s a reason not to, though, but don’t really remember. something about the water not stopping, or something? old brain cells…care to refresh or is this a figment of my imagination?
btw have time today. will call andy.
You had your Phosban reactor pumping water out of your overflow box and into the display which was fine until the power failed. When the power failed water siphoned through it so the whole tank lowered as the overflow box did. Your xenia was high and dry and your sump got too much water. If both and out are in the overflow or the display then it will be fine. Or if the out take doesn’t go more then a cm into the water it will stop the siphon. Think of it like your return pump with out an anti siphon hole in it or when you start a siphon to do a water change.
i put the skimmer on my 65, both intake and outflow in the overflow.
30gl cube with sump pump and overflow $125
Canister filter $25