Suggestions on Tank covers

As you might have seen last night my tank is open for the time being. I had some black eggcrate over-top, but it shaded the light ALOT so i took it off. Anyone else use something that is quick to throw together and does not block much light?


a thin mesh, made from nylon netting, splined into an aluminum frame that u cut to size. all available at lowes or the netting and spline is available at my house. got it and the idea from ellen. no or extremely limited shading and about 10 minutes work.


John I was going to mention at the meeting, search the forum for a thread by Ento_Reefer I believe it is in the Members tank section. She had some nice images of her top if I remember correctly that was exactly the same as Paul is describing.

Did you try flipping the egg create upside down? You know there is a major difference between the amount of light it will direct into your tank depending on which way it is flipped.

Just curious how high have you been keeping the lights above the water level?

Many of my tanks don’t have any sort of lid, but I also have very little fish and have lost about one fish per year due to carpet surfing. The one tank that does have a lid is my eel’s who has carpet surfed on at least three occasions and lived to tell about it. Your six line wrasse is very likely to jump at some point though.

The lights are as close to the water as i can get them… So around 1/2"- 1" … I want to keep the light in the tank, and not on the stand… I cant flip the eggcrate because it has holes for the return and the drain in it…

Ill search for that thread…

One way the egg create puts the light out onto the stand and floor, the other it directs it into the tank. If you have a lose piece of egg create around you should try to play with it and see the difference. Perhaps you made the holes on the wrong side.

1/2" is way too close. Your fixture will rust up quickly that way and become an unsightly electrical risk.

What would you say then 1"… i want to keep as much light in as i can…

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:7, topic:2870”]
What would you say then 1"… i want to keep as much light in as i can…[/quote]

I keep my fixtures at least 4" above the top of the tank and I think mine are probably 6". Unless you have an extremely deep tank I don’t think you should worry. I am using the netting with the aluminum frame that Paul and Jon mentioned. It is great at keeping the fish in and still keeps the top open for air exchange. It does block the light some, (anything you cover the tank with will), but I havent noticed any of my corals or clams complaining.

Okay thanks, this is the way im gonna go… you dont happen to have any framing left do you?

john, am i supposed to bring you something today at fb?

Ya, the stuff but u said u might not have enough frame… but ya ill be there at 11…

to 3-4