my nieghbor is looking to do the same thing he wants to build his own fixture setup in his canopy. looking for icys kit for him. he wants t 5 set up does anyone have the ballast end kits and reflectors for sale? bulbs he will buy new
what size?
oppps sorry he wants to run a 6 bulb set up 48 inches long . looking for the components to build if cant find here we will order from ice cap. but wanted to look here first.
check with DPA. they get end caps and standoffs, and reflectors at purt-n-near same price as online and no shipping. I got a set of 4 SLRs from them a while back. the icecaps are the expensive ones, but that’s what they can get. What kind of ballast do you want to use for 6 x 54w lamps? ICECAP$ a 660 and a 430, a FULHAM WORKHORSE 7 AND A WORKHORSE 5? ADVANCE? PHILLIPS? GE? Others?
he would like to just use one for all 6 bulbs. looking around for used before buying new. he wants to do this in a week or two. al has 6 reflectors so i guess dpa for endcaps and standoffs. bulbs not sure on yet.
I don’t know of a ballast made to run 6 x 54w T5s at once. even the icecap 660, rated at 440 watts will still only run 4. its a matter of wire leads. only 4. you would still need aN Icecap 430 to run the other two. and you know how much these ballasts cost. even though they will overdrive the T5.s.
the Fulham WH7 at 220 watts, HO, can run 4 x 54w T5s, and the Fulham WH5 at 128 watts, HO, can run the other two. these two ballasts together will cost less than 1/2 the cost of only one Icecap ballast. one good place to find them is here.
Fluorescent Ballasts - Electronic & Magnetic |
the dimensions are on the specs. the WH7 is about 18 inches long, and the WH5 about 9, both are skinny,. the fulham ballasts are very flexible in application. they can each run many configurations of lamps. i have been running my DIY 3 x 39w T5 strip light with a single WH5 for 3 or 4 years now. works great. Fulham ballasts are a good deal. for applications and wiring diagrams:
oh yeah, DPA has reasonable priced UVI T5 lamps too. my favorite brand.
Happy DIY
ken thanks agian will research and pass info along.