Tanks for sale. 5x used 20gal DPA downsize tanks.

5x 20 Gallon High, drilled, plumbed tanks: $10ea. or $40 for all five. (includes plumbing/bulkheads/gaskets)
Dimensions: 24" L x 12"W x 16"H
Drilled with a 45mm Diamond Bit. Bulkhead w/ gasket Included (1" PVC to 1" barbed). SCH 40 1" plumbing with slip strainer.

The 40 Breeders are SOLD (Thanks!)

So, the wife and I had planned to open up a coral propagation business. Change of plans, and we might be moving soon, so that plan has been put on HOLD, and the purchases we already made for the initial system are up for sale.

We have six 20 gallon high, Delaware Premium Aquatics tanks purchased from their recent downsizing. These tanks were sold as-is, with three sides painted blue, and they were still a bit dirty. We also purchased them with their internal plumbing/bulkheads as they are drilled, and the water level can be adjusted via the plumbing. We have taken these tanks, cleaned them, vacuumed them, and removed all the blue latex paint from the tanks. Tanks were cleaned with alcohol and water, no soap. You will see some blue paint on the black trim, and you will also see in the pictures where some of the silicon has been beat up from many cleanings at DPA. We have NOT leak tested these tanks, but I don’t have any reason to believe they leak since they were taken right out of production at DPA.

As pictures are worth a thousand words, I’ll stop typing. Enjoy. Send me a PM if interested. Delivery is available within reason. We live in Elkton, MD near the 213/Leeds circle.

Yes I’m showing off the Airplane Ribs that I’ve made in this picture. :GEEK:

This tank was assembled by Angie. We all know she made the BEST! PoM

And Inspected by KENNY!! We all know he is a stickler for quality! ::bs::

The 40 Breeders even come with the free food sample! YahoO

And you can still save up to $30.00 on Aqueon products with one of the 40’s.

Next we have the 20 Gallon High Tanks. They all look roughly like this tank.

The Bulkheads protrude 3.125" from the back of the tank.

1" SCH 40 PVC plumbing

Barbed side of the 1" Bulkhead

You can see the blue latex that remains on the rear of the trim. Its also on the sides as you will see.

Plumbing in the vertical position

45mm Drilled hole

The plumbing is 14" from the bulkhead.

Some of the blue latex left on the side trim

A shot of the silicon in the corners.

The Setup we were considering. A modular system that could have been used for LPS/SPS/Softies/Anemone’s/and separation of aggressive and non-aggressive specimens.

Here are the tanks when we got them:

That should leave you with everything you need to know. Tanks are clean and ready for use, who wants em?


Sorry to hear you have to give it up Rob. It would have been fun doing it, I think. I’m sure you’ll probably try again when you have time. Also, hate to hear that you may have to leave as well.


I’ll take one of the 40b. PM sent too.

The two Breeders and one 20 are pending.

Five of the 20 gallons remain available.

Thanks A! Yeah it would have been fun for sure. Didn’t see this move comming back in March. I do hope to give it a shot once we settle down again. I’m gonna enjoy the 90 for as long as I can! These tanks are in the room that is going to get filled with moving boxes.

I pm you

Update: Still one 40gallon breeder and several 20H’s available. Have had a few PM’s but no new takers as of yet.


Just looking to get rid of these tanks. $10ea. is cheaper then the cost of the included plumbing. BoNg

The 40 Breeders are Sold. Updated the 1st posting with the new prices. Get all 5 for $40!

I’m interested in all 5, but got to clear it with the wife first. I have the storage space, so hopefully it won’t be a problem. Would you be willing to bring them to the meeting on the 18th?

Yeah, I can do that B. I’ll even trade ya half the cost for one of your Neon Green Frogspawn and Hammer frags. 1 head ea. + $20cash. Cool? Then the club gets the $20 for golden ticket raffle :smiley:

PM sent