i have a 58 oceanic rr tank with stand and canopy 4 65 watt pc lights and ballast 3 of the bulbs are only a month old, amircle sump with berlin skimmer and mag 5 pump. with bio balls. the stand is oak along with the canopy. there are some scratches on the glass and the stand has a bit of water damage on the right front side. could you a good going over. but is a good starting point. i have lr as well if you need it. 275.00
46 bow front is an alglass i think with glass top and hood light with a coral light bulb in it new. i have penguin bio wheels to go with the tank the stand is homemade pine and nice has a door on the front. the glass is perfect no sctaches. i also have a few odds and ends to go with it as well. 175.00
125 tank with glass top no stand 150.00
all the tanks are obo. i also have live rock as well.
i may have a 56 cube with matching stand and a 24 gal. nano with matching stand forsale.
any questions and for pics email me christophersj40@yahoo.com
the 58 is gone… yes one tank closer to my big tank.
the 125 is gone and we can do 125.00 for for the whole setup with extra. or make me an offer…
pics of tank and stand great. i can give u 100.
dimentions please.
how much for live rock??