We are designing new tri-fold brochures for the club to be displayed at LFS and other places. I need two pictures specifically.
The first picture i need is a guality picture of the Julian Sprung event last spring. Ideally it would be a pic that included Mr. Sprung himself mid-lecture with some background.
The second picture i need is of one of our members tank. It could be just about anything but i would recommend a partial tank picture that includes a large portion of the tank with a variety of livestock. FTS are welcome but should have everything cropped including the trim of the tank.
[center] [/center]
I like the last image the best. Artistic almost. Not sure if it work for the tri-fold, but you can try putting it in place and see how it looks. I know you said e-mail them, but I’m lazy and these screen captures aren’t massive high res images either.
Yeah…I also like the last one too. Very Star Trekie. Kinda Like Spock mind melding with the Horta. Number 3 looks very benevolent and scholarly, and is a very good pic of Julian. Thats a good one to use, too.
Thank you Jon. The one worked out very well and will be used in the brochure.
Come on guys, send me your best pics.
Ive only gotten pics from two members. The best pictured will be immortalized in our new fancy tri-fold brochure at all of our LFS ;D I want a pic that really represents whats possible in this hobby for anyone that looks at a brochure and is considering joining the hobby. Most of you guys are constantly posting pics of your tank online anyways. Help your club out and participate!!
Sorry Shawn, but all my tanks would include eggcreate and show little frags. Would look like a shot of an LFS more then most of the clubs tanks.
BTW, if you used the second image I would recommend rotating it slightly. My photo editor was acting up on the day I uploaded those and I was too tired to mess with it.
Can’t wait to see these things in the stores. Who else has images!
I'd reach out to Bellamy. He had some really nice photos of his tank when it was fully stocked and he was still in town.
is your camera broken Craig? your tank is looking pretty good and i seem to recall that your pretty handy with a camera. send me some pics man!
i want to thank everyone that has sent pics so far. several people have participated since my last post and its really appreciated. the problem i am having in general is lack of clarity and low resolution. the picture in the brochure will only be a small portion of your tank. when i crop and enlarge some pics they look pretty bad. This was the case with both Glenn and Bill. You both had at least one really good pic that could probably work but by the time i cropped it and adjusted the size the quality was very grainy.
The ideal pictures would be a pic that represented only a small area of your tank(6"x6" - 12"x12") with as many coral, fish, inverts as possible in the pic. I want it to be representitive of the quality of tank that is possible by average, local hobbyiest. I dont care if its softies or sps or fowlr, it just has to be pretty ;D
Keep up the submissions. The participation is appreciated. I will have the finished brochure at the January meeting for everyone to see including the member pic!
This was the case with both Glenn and Bill. You both had at least one really good pic that could probably work but by the time i cropped it and adjusted the size the quality was very grainy.
i will try to redo these pics annd up the pixels in my photo shop and then see if that is better for you.
I guess i should let everyone know that Houndsbayman submitted pics today that look like the belong in a photography journal! Keep the pics coming but hes going to be very hard to beat!