Anyone here live in middletown that has a TDS meter give me a reading of what their tap water is? Looking for a city water reading, not well water. Thanks!
mortyn02 (Matt) he’s also in Middletown. He may jump on here.
I have one, but don’t get down to Middletown much. Can you bring a sample to the next meeting?
I’m on town water and will be happy to later this evening.
Sweet - thanks man!
I gave mine away with my RO/DI system a couple of years ago when I got out of the hobby, now I can’t even test for the simplest thing right now…
Reading from my kitchen sink came to 113 tds. I have not calibrated the meter since I got it but that should give you an idea.
That’s actually pretty good considering. The lowest TDS I ever came across was 177 in Virginia Beach, but even then it varied across the city.
I appreciate you getting back with that info -