
I have a pure flo II ro unit with the DI add-on. I have a T coming off the RO membrane before it goes to the DI unit to see how well the membrane is doing. I am wondering what TDS is acceptable coming out of the membrane. Should it be reading 0 coming out of the membrane? I am reading 8 TDS out of the membrane and obviously 0 TDS after the DI unit. Should i replace the membrane? I know the DI unit should take out what TDS is left but is 8 TDS acceptable or should i replace the membrane? Let me know your thoughts.

you need to do the math to see if it matches the rejection rate listed for the membrane

here is a form to figure it out.

Thanks! I will check it out!

Matt is your DI after the membrane?

You may wanna try and plumb it prior to the membrane and that should help save it little longer.

DI is after the membrane. Wouldn’t DI before the membrane be doing all the work? Just wondering? I was wondering if 8 TDS was going to exhause the DI cartridge faster than normal and if I should replace the membrane as the DI is just to polish what the membrane leaves behind. Just thinking out loud… Frank, is the math just for GPD?

The DI before the membrane is saving the $75-$100 membrane verses $10 of Di material but still depends on how bad your water is going in. 8 ppm of TDS is not real bad but not optimal when it comes the norm of what we wanna put in the tank.

I can usually go at least 6 to 8 months before changing DI material and then is never more then 3 ppm
The membrane last for well over a year.

But is all fairness the TDS going into my Ro have never seen higher the 40 ppms

sorry linked to the wrong thing
here is the section to enter your tap tds and your post RO tds and it will calculate the rejection rate for you

yeah matt, what frank said to calculate the rejection rate… 8 out of the membrane sounds just fine, and the di will have no problem polishing off that amount and still lasting a good while.

bill’s technique would work, but then why use the membrane at all? the di will take tap water to 0 all by itself, it would just exhaust quick and it aint cheap.

matt do you know the rejection rate of your membrane?

I’ve got my DI after the membrane…its just how BRS recommended it. I’ve got 11ppm going into my DI (which is coming right from the membrane). I have the kit to flush the membrane but haven’t installed it yet…guess I need to get on that…

Thanks! TDS is 110 going in and 8 coming out of the membrane for a 92% rejection before the DI. I think that is pretty good!

I get 7 TDS from my membrane, 0 after DI.

My membrane is the slacker of the bunch sofar! hah

92% is not very good and will be eating your DI a lot faster then you may want, if your DI life is OK with you then your fine, mine is three years old now and is down to 97.4% in 78 out 2 when it was new it was over 98%

My DI last me about 8 months

Showoff! ::thumbsup::

Here is a chart provided by Matt of BFS:

btw matt… what happened? i thought you were a tap water guy… u said RO was for sissys ::rofl::

Well I have used tap water in the past but i have had algae issues here and there so I started using ro/di as I should. According to that chart my di cartridge will last about 700 gallons at 8tds! Anyone know a good place to get replacement resin?

I bought a big bag from brs a while back… seems to be good quality… i have enough for you to pack a cartridge and try it out if you want or need some asap…lmk

[quote=“saltcreep, post:16, topic:6169”]
btw matt… what happened? i thought you were a tap water guy… u said RO was for sissys ::rofl::[/quote]

Delaware tap water hmmmm ::thinking::

I too purchase DI resin from BRS.