This is an interesting concept for dosing Lanthanum Chloride for PO4 reduction. I have tinkered with light dosing for a couple years now, off and on. I simply add one ML of concentrated LaCl3 solution with 2L RO water and slow drip to my sump near the protein skimmer intake, so that 2L takes 36 hours to drip. like one drop every 6-10 seconds. that way the skimmer has a chance to skim out the LaPO4 precipitate.
This reactor is designed to do the mixing and precip. in the reactor chamber, and then filter the precip. out with a micron filter floss.
Large aquariums and grow facilities use LaCl3 a lot because it is much less expensive than GFO or other media. they like to dose directly into their hugmoungous protein skimmer intakes. better reaction and collection. it is powerful stuff for phosphate removal. so far the 16 oz bottle i bought has lasted about 2 years. or more, off and on. about $20 a pint with shipping.
Has anyone else tried LaCl3?