The LFS formerly known as Pet Safari

Has anyone else been in there? They took down half of their salt stuff, and replaced much of what was the store (Koi pond, etc…) with cages for kangaroos, and illegal reptiles. Odd

Keep in mind that certain things are only illegal for the average person to own. That it is perfectly legal to own exotic animals with the proper license to do so.

Yup, that place it is completely different now isn’t it. Have they took down the old salt water section yet? I heard a couple months ago that all the 75gallon tanks were being used.

A post was made about this shop a while ago and it is listed under our “Local Stores” at the top of the site.;topicseen#msg8714

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:2, topic:861”]
Keep in mind that certain things are only illegal for the average person to own. That it is perfectly legal to own exotic animals with the proper license to do so.[/quote]

Agreed, there are some truly ridiculous rules out there, but these guys are selling kangaroos in Lewes. Who in Lewes is buying kangaroos? Just seems like a business that is destined for failure. As far as the reptiles go, all they really had were blackthroat monitors and false water cobras. Both were very overpriced. It’s a shame that they dumped their saltwater section, it was worth looking at on the way to the beach.

Kangaroo meat is a delicacy in some parts of the world.

I always remind myself when I see outlandish sh*t in a store that they wouldn’t carry it if they didn’t have a market for it.

No one wakes up on a Saturday morning and says “I think I’ll open a Kangaroo store”

Someone comes to them and says - “hey I was in Kenya last month and found Kangaroo burgers to be out of this world - think you could get me one?”

[quote=“Gordonious, post:3, topic:861”]
Yup, that place it is completely different now isn’t it. Have they took down the old salt water section yet? I heard a couple months ago that all the 75gallon tanks were being used.[/quote]

i stopped by when they changed owners and talked to the guy for a bit. i inquired about all of the pre drilled and reef ready 75’s he had stacked up on the floor. he said they were all sold. but they are in the process of working up some new and exciting stuff. a lot of construction going on, u can tell. something about a “touch tank”. i am guessing sort of like the one in lancaster. i am curious to see how things turn out.

btw, weren’t they wallaby’s?? i cant lie, i kinda wanted to take one home with me. wouldn’t keep it in a cage. i want it to run around the house with the basset hounds!!! lolol

[quote=“Jocephus, post:4, topic:861”]
It’s a shame that they dumped their saltwater section, it was worth looking at on the way to the beach.[/quote]

Have to be carefull when you draw conclusions with out talking to a reliable source. I am 99.9% sure he wasn’t dumping the salt water section he took it down to set up a top of the line 5 side viewable(including top down) coral system as well as a whole new set up for fish. This shop is on the way to a really nice LFS, but the road can be long and in a tough economy it may be more then just long. We’ll see.

As far as just bringing kangaroos out of no where that is something else you would have changed your mind had you stopped and talked with Chris. He has been in the biz of selling exotics for a long time after he worked in a zoo. He has raised many of them for a long time in a ware house type setting and this was just taking that biz to the next level and giving it a fancy store front. If you think about it, it really made it a destination type place and even almost a tourist attraction. He will be getting a lot more foot traffic then the other shop.

I give it six months. I can’t imagine that Lewes is going to turn into the kangaroo (wallaby) capitol of the world. Just funny to see all the signs that say, “Not for sale to Delaware residents.” Who is supposed to buy this stuff? People on vaca at the beach? Like, “Hey kids, let’s drive to Delaware from Vermont to see the beach. And while we’re there, let’s buy a kangaroo and bring it home in the car.” Just seems like a stretch. Glad to hear they are planning on something new for the fish section. Five side viewable, huh? They should go all out and make it six. That would be impressive! GolfC

I inquired a few years ago and was told that domestic bred wallabys are not illegal, also I have been to austrailia, got to spend time with wallabys and kangroos verry sweet creatures, easy to want to bring one home, also tried some kangroo as food not to bad either, kinda like the way we have to many deer on our roadsides, they have to many kangaroos, on theirs, probably make lousey pets though, I will stick with my corals.


No need to bring the cooler. Just put the fish in the pouch of the wallaby and put him or her (do they both have pouches?) in the back seat.