Thinking about upgrading my sump

Hey everyone still a new guy on here so forgive me if i say anything stupid.
I have a diy 10g sump on my 55g Reef tank and im thinking about
upgrading to a 20 long or maybe a custom setup due to lack of space
under my stand for my 55g. Does anyone know the specs for 20g longs?
or if there is anything the size of a 10g but longer?
I would really like more space for my refugium area and not sure what to do.
any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Ryan

Hi Ryan, may be this will help.

I believe a 20L is 30", you should be able to get the 20L or even a 29g in there no problem.

Thanks for the info i greatly appreciate it the measurements in my stand are very tight. Even the 10 gallon was troubles getting in i had to mod the botton to raise it up to get the 10 gallon to sit flat and its still a bit wedged in there but doesnt have pressure on the glass. ive even considered putting another 10g under there and connecting them with bulk heads and pvc just because i cant think of anything else.

Pics of your stand would help us

Ill get more tonight but this shows how tight the 10g fits in there.
also dont mind those bio balls im removing them a little each week
till they are gone. the pic does not show much other than the refugium

I switched from a 10gal to a 20 High, due to constraints on my stand’s interior space. The length on the 20H is shorter than the 20L, making it ideal for MY situation.

It’s funny you are upgrading your sump, I was going to mention that it was going to be a good idea due to the problems inherant with the 10gal sump (I didn’t want to be negative right off the git-go lol)

Something to consider: Make your refugium at least 10% the capacity of your DT. The current 3gal setup you say you have won’t do much, if anything at all(trust me, I made the same mistake). You need at least a 6gal to make any significant impact, or you are just wasting sump space.

Have you considered a display refugium outside of your stand?

A small end table next to you tank could hold a nice 29g refugium, plumbed to your 10g sump underneath in the stand to house your skimmer, heaters, and anything else you want to add. This way you get to enjoy the life that proliferates in the fuge as well.

It would require very little additional plumbing, just drain your overflow to your fuge, then drill the refugium add a bulk head and add a drain line to your existing sump, the return pump and plumbing your currently using to get the water back to your display tank doesn’t have to be changed.

Another option for the external fuge would be to add it above your display tank, same concept I just mentioned but instead of returning back to your display tank you return form your sump to your fuge than let gravity return the water to your DT.

Thanks for the help guys and also i completely uderstand the refugium is a bit small and not negative at all IMO i like to hear feedback from everyone so i can do things right and figure out whats best for this size tank.
the reason why i was considering adding another 10g is too have that as my refugium.
the only problem with the refugium being outside of the tank stand is i have doors on both sides of the tank
so it wouldnt work and no way to build anything about it and also its awesome you said a 29g would be great because i have a 29g already set up as a hospital tank that i also use for cycling rocks.
it would be awesome if i could use that but it would never work out in the room i have the tank in and it is
the only room i can have my tank in… this is also why i was wondering about the 20g long.
sorry for the long message guys lol :ZZZ)