i have been thinking of this for a few weeks now. these dwarf seahorses seem very basic and easy to start. i want to get one of those 3 gallon tanks, small one with light built in for 25 bucks. been doing alot of reading on these and seem easy for the advance reefer to handle, but the every day must be followed. has anyone ever had any of these? any breeding done? may start a brine shrimp farmery here as well. i will post some pictures as a build thread when i start. just was wondering who has had these or tryed them?
I have often thought the same thing. They are very small, like not much more than an inch tall. you can often buy pairs. As it turns out, the ladies from :
were at the MACNA convention in AC. they had a bunch of each type they breed there in nano tanks. But she said they were actually a bit harder to raise. Not bad, you just have to have the right set up, and foods. There is tons of info here on their site to study up on and see if they are for you. I keep thinking of getting some to breed too. Someday.
what i used to do for food with the species hippocampus is; leave a bucket of water out during the summer to collect mosquito larva. after you’ve sufficiently collected enough off to the freezer. the larva can remain in suspended animation for years. this was before all of the fish stores carried live food of course and its probably unnecessary nowadays.
so after you froze the learva they would come back from the frozen tomb and be alive? or just be dead floaters?
[quote=“martinfaimly, post:4, topic:2584”]
so after you froze the learva they would come back from the frozen tomb and be alive? or just be dead floaters? [/quote]
if i remember correctly they would reanimate with warmer temperatures…maybe ellen could tune in with her entomological experience.
no reanimation afa i know glenn. could just as easy buy some from a lfs…(sold as common bloodworms…) but live ones r gonna be sweet food. as long as they all get eaten. they WILL become mosquitoes eventually! lmao
i have a toms aquatic 3 gallon picotope that im not using ;-). has filter and light.