this morning....

my corals woke up to brand new Giesmann bulbs! :BEER

SOOOO much brighter and i went from 2 10k’s and 4 actinics to 3 11k’s (aquablue+) and 3 actinic+
and i didn’t get more red like i thought would happen i got the same color brighter and the corals glow ALOT more now!

the bulbs i had are for sale 8 total 2 of them only 1 month on them the other 6 roughly 5 months… its in the for sale section

you might want to shield your coral from some of the light from the new lamps. i use the screen method (place 2 or 3 window screens between the bulbs and the tank and remove one every 4 or 5 days). i changed out a halide bulb once from one of those ebay lamps to an ushio and i cooked alot of corals.
the giesemann lamps have alot more PAR than the current ones.

[quote=“Mr_X, post:2, topic:2541”]
you might want to shield your coral from some of the light from the new lamps.[/quote]
