Tips for moving large eel.

Well I have moved my snow flake eel from one tank to another countless times in the past. Most of the time however I’ve moved him from one tall tank to another. This time he is in a move shallow tank. Reason this is important is I usually drain the tank move of the way and it still attempts to sliver up the walls as I’m chasing him with a bucket or net and well this time, he won’t have far to go before he ends up on the floor. He has also grown rather large.

I know this eel is hearty and healthy and has spent time before on the floor so I am sure he would be alright, but still I would rather avoid him reaching the carpet and also avoid being bit.

Any ideas or shared experience moving a large eel from one tank to another would be greatly appreciated. I’d post an updated photo of him, but my cell phone died and now I have no camera.

Good luck! Thats about all the help I can give :smiley: I’d like to see the pic of him when you get your cell phone back up and running. Sorry I’m no help!

Best I could offer would be to treat it like a snake and capture it in a pillowcase while the tank still has most of the water in it. Leave it in the case until you’re ready to move it - pick it up and open the case in the new tank.

Put a large section of PVC in and cap one end, when he goes in use your hand or a net to cap the other end. Jon is this the eel I gave you like five years ago?

Yup. Same one. That tiny little skiny eel that once went through egg crate is getting big.

Fishing rod and a hook  :P


I think the PVC suggestion sounds the best.

I thought Craigs suggestion was gonna end with ‘and beat him in the pillow case’…am I the only one?

Just grab him by the tail. and when he bites and clamps down on your hand, gently carry him to the new tank, place him in the water and then “Do The Dance” to make him let go!?

I don’t know. I’ve never had an Eel.

Check out this old thread. Looks like it was 3/4/2007? Wow seems like it was a lot further back then that! I have pictures on another computer of him in the tank pictured on that page, but will haev to find a way to transfer them off.

I think this pic was about a year later.

A blast from the past! Seems like it was longer than '07, but time flies when you’re having fun!

He eventually bit the head off that angelfish.

Thats a pretty cool picture. How did you get them to line up by height like that?

Oh, was that the angel with one eye for a while?

When you take thousands of photographs, like I used to when I had a camera, you eventually get lucky, lol.

That was out one eye angel which someone else gave up because there other fish beat him up. Was a beautiful fish. Just couldn’t take the copper treatment I tried to put him through when he got ich really bad :frowning: