tomato clowns

I picked up a beautiful pair of breeding tomato clowns from The Fish Bowl the other day.Placed them in my 55 gal frag tank.
The new store is really coming along great. I think the store is one of the quietiest I have ever been in, as far as hearing running water all the time. And BJ if you read this, I will be stopping in tomorrow morning to pick up my bucket of salt. Thanks

Nice pair. You should think about starting a rotifer culture soon, just in case. It would benefit the tank and any other future possibilities with these two.

They came from me… I had 'em lay eggs 3 times…but didnt try hatching them out…The “blue” stripe on the female is what makes them unique.Hope they do well for you…

Thanks hottuna, I have to clear out some frags from my tank, and hope they like it in my frag tank.

Originally got 'em at a place called ROOZENS nursery in MD…they had many pairs as well as individuals you could pair up…If you like clownfish ROOZENS normally has unique and rare stuff…

that looks like a nice store. i might take a look there someday. Hey Joe, they have octopus in stock in the specials! this week.

Definetely worth the trip…for the coral lovers : they have lots of soft coral frags,beautiful mushrooms & zoos…
some nice LPS and many rare anemones…
It basically a nursery with a giant fish room in the back - its in a greenhouse illuminated by all natural lighting…
They bring in most shipments DIRECT…no middle man…thats why you’ll see so many rare clowns and such…
This places moves alot of livestock-they get 3-4 shipment a week from all parts of the world…

How’s the clowns doing now? Any pre spawning activity yet ?

They are doing fine. I had a lunar wrasse in my frag tank just waiting to move it out. it is gone now so the clowns have the 55 all to themselves. Placed a clay pot in the tank and just observing for now.

I used to feed them something called “silverfish” I would buy @ the asian food store in Dover…
It is very small whole elongated white fish…about -1" in length…
You can thaw them and cut them up small with a razor blade- fish devour this stuff…
Like Paul Baldassano over on R/C pointed out- whole fish contains essential oils that can help get fish into breeding condition…
Ive seen it work- after feeding them the silverfish for about 3 weeks straight they would be in prime condition and start to "go at it "…
Just passing that along…

Thanks for the info on that. Will see if I can pick some up at a local store.

[quote=“hottuna, post:10, topic:3340”]
I used to feed them something called “silverfish” I would buy @ the asian food store in Dover…[/quote]

Which asian food store??? The one on 113 by the base??

near furr’s tire…around there…right near a rib place they were building then stopped…
when I get off exit 10 when going north on 1 after the traffic light about 1.5 miles on the right side…
its A filipino/asian store mostly…

I stopped by there tonight on my way to the fish bowl…they still have the silverfish in large boxes (alot) and small packages also… Right next to Furrs tire like I thought…