Took the wood panels out of the sump stand.

I forgot i could do that with my stand, thought it looked pretty cool and I’d share

(still doing the maintenance so glass is dirty )

I love your rockwork, and stand. Did you use something to keep it together (epoxy, etc.) or just stacked agaist back glass?

Drilled 1/2 holes and made columns with 1/2 inch PEX pipes, look for my build thread on member tanks. :BEER

Looks good Tim - how the hell did you get that sump in there???

Great question that I would love to know as well lol

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:4, topic:3023”]
Looks good Tim - how the hell did you get that sump in there???[/quote]

Fantastic question my good man! If you look very closely you will notice that the metal frame is wider than the tank, and the tank sits on cross braces welded to the outer frame (hence the tank looks like its sitting inside the frame)

This is the whole reason i bought this stand, if the tank sits inside the width than so can my 55g tank as a sump. The sump is actually sitting on the floor with the stand set over it than the 75g tank on top of that. Easy and fantastic for volume.


p.s. god i hope the welds in the cross braces dont rust!! BoNg they are epoxied with anti rust material, but jesus if they do im screwed

So what do you do if the sump ever leaks?
