Tset forum is back and getting real close

I need everyone to go in and test the new forum, you can try attaching pictures right from your PC or laptop and embedding videos, test out PM system and look around let me know what you like and what you don’’’'t like and what you might want added.

You can get to the test forum from the link on the main page under other forums or use this http://www.delreefclub.org/main/forum/

What is the limitations in size on post pics. I try to add pics but it came up with this statement.

Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.

maybe try JPEG. I’'ll give it a shot, sometime. I can mess up any puter system, when i try to do something new.

I upped it to 3MB now

will this have most recent topics? I really like that part think it should be 10 though instead of 5

When using the new forum, no PM’s after 5/10/14 show up for me. I just fixed the date and time for my account it was 2 weeks slow & several hours. Would this delet the PM from within those 2 weeks?

it is only a port of this forum imported from a backup and not in sync.

uhh, OK. right now the old home page doesnt wok, I guess you are working on it. and the other forum link is old. so keep up the good work, if this works. and

have a cool one!

That looks awesome, tell me that isn’t just a stock pic and it actually from a resturant in DE.

I gots no Idea where it comes from. I just DOGPILE’d hudzon images. and that popped up in the list. but it does look yummy!