Two stage/chamber CA reactors?

One bit of confusion I have with reactors still. When I was at MACNA I watched a presentation on installing a reactor and going over the basics of their use and safety features. Was a very helpful presentation. I swore the guy said his preference was for reactors with two media bays in them or two stages. One stage would hold larger media and the other smaller, so you get the best of both worlds and more exposure for the media.

Problem is none of the reactors recommended in the other thread have two reactor chambers, stages, or bays or whatever or even have the option to add that on it seems. Actually looking through marine depots site and PremiumAquatics and several others none of the reactors seem to come with two chambers.

Is it really odd and uncommont to have two chambers? Should I cross this off the list of things I am looking for in a reactor?

MRC CR-2 Dual Chamber Calcium Reactor
aquacave has some also

Buy 2 reactors… just saying…

Jon, when I first setup my tank, I bought a used Koralin calcium reactor, single chamber. Now that the demand for more calcium has gone up in my tank due to the many SPS corals, I have added a DIY second chamber to the original reactor. Depending on what your future needs will be, you will have to make that decision. If I had to due it over again, I would invest in a dual chamber reactor right from the start. just my :TWOCENTS

would a smaller tank need a dual chamber as much as a larger tank?

Probally not, but depending on how much calcium is being consumed in the tank and if regular water changes can keep up with the demand. It would be something that has to be closely monitored to keep a constant proper calcium level. If you are not adding more corals that use calcium to survive, then the calc level will not lessen by a significant number where you would notice that your corals that need calc are not doing well or not growing well. The reactor will also help maintain proper PH levels too.