[quote=“kaptken, post:17, topic:2709”]
arcing is usually caused by miss alignment of the end caps. if they have been twisted off line a little, some arcing can occure. Ive had it happen on my DIY VHO light endcaps ive mounted. and a little corrosion on the pins. when it arcs, the pins can weld to the contacts or melt them down, like that. Alignment and positive clean contacts are very important. was the bulb in sqaurely? at a perfect 90 degree rotation.? [/quote]
Well, I can’t say it was a perfect 90 degree rotation. The endcaps are plastic and from the very beginning were extremely hard to turn with the bulb. The prongs on the bulb on one of the endcaps was actually giving before the endcap would turn, and it would pinch the prongs together. I ended up turning the endcap mechanism with a screwdriver, spreading the prongs on the endcap back apart, inserting the bulb into one end of the fixture and prying the other endcap outwards, in order to get the bulb in place. Everything popped back into place, and the bulb felt very snug.
When the next fixture comes in, I am going to use an electrical grease like electricians use on the main power wires that come into a home and connect to your breaker box. It’s to help prevent corrosion, and is supposed to resist breaking down from heat, although I am sure it has a specific temperature point where it will start to break down.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:18, topic:2709”]
Glass will significantly effect your par ratings and plexiglass will likely bow and fall in your tank. If the plexi stays atop your tank it will likely become discolored and effect par and appearance of your tank. Perhaps consider raising the fixture a little above the aquarium. Most of the current fixtures have tiny little legs and don’t elevate the fixtures enough in my opinion. (seems others made posts about this as well nm)[/quote]
Good point that the plexiglass may discolor, that thought never crossed my mind.
As of right now, I have about 2 1/2 inches of clearance between the top of my tank and the bottom of the fixture. With about 3/4" to the top of the water. I will take a closer look tonight when I get home, but I really do not think it is possible to raise the fixture anymore with the canopy on the tank, unless I can modify the canopy to sit a little higher off the tank, which could be a possibility. I am also going to invest in stainless or brass screws and bolts wherever I can replace them on the new fixture. One of the screws on my current fixture that is holding the leg to the fixture is severely corroded to the point where it is actually falling apart, and there is only one place for the corrosion to fall… directly into my tank. That was another reason I put that black acrylic over the overflow, that is the corner that screw is on.