what is this roundish reddish spot on my goby? any ideas? contagious? apologies for pic quality
he’s not coming out for a better pic. he is eating a bit slower than usual also.
an ulcer is a hole burned into the stomach by excess acid (as far as i know anyhow)
this looks like some kind of lesion caused by infection or a bite of some sort, whats in your tank that could inflict a wound?
I don’t know. even out of focus, it don’t look good. you can try adding vitamin suppliments to the tank and soak the fish food he might eat in them too to boost his immunities. You know Vita Chem or Reef Plus. or something like them.
Sending you a PM.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:5, topic:2673”]
Sending you a PM. [/quote]
C’mon Jon - don’t keep it a secret - I think we’d all like to know what that thing is.
Told him I wasn’t sure what it is and was by far not an expert, but told him where he could go to talk to experts on the topic and let him know if he wanted to spend some serious $ I knew of a vet who was a professional at diagnosing and treating sick fish.
looks like something i seen on rockfish in the bay and from my exp with that its from stress and lack of food.
i hope you haven’t eaten any rockfish with ulcers, it’s likely they are bacterial in origin. pfiesteria a “new” species of bacterium has been found in our waters frequently in the warmer months. this bacteria causes certain neurological disorders along with similar ulcers in humans.
not to mention the elevated rates of PCB’s and methylmecury found in their tissues. i stopped eating rockfish over a year ago for these reasons.
just eat around the bad spots. lol
i wish that was possible, you can cut out certain areas which contain more adipose tissues. this won’t completely mitigate the transmission of pcb’s. one thing which is extremely important is; to never consume a sick fish, extremely bad idea for many reasons…how’s the goby doing btw? if that ucler seems to get any worse i personally would euthanize the fish.
HJack twice. rockfish schmockfish lOl
back on topic of my goby. it looks a bit less red today, and he has eaten better.
Good sign if it’s eating. Give it a good mixture and like Ken said soak some things. Hope it makes it for ya.